


The Impacts of Participating Day Care Adjunctive Therapy on the Mild Dementia Elderly Caregivers’ Caregiving Load




輕度失智老人 ; 主要照顧者 ; 日間照顧 ; 輔助療法 ; 照顧負擔 ; mild dementia elderly ; primary caregiver ; day care ; adjunctive therapy ; caregiving load












老年人口的增加已是現今全球趨勢,而伴隨人口快速老化,失智人口也隨之攀升,而多數的失智老人由家庭成員來提供照顧,然而照顧者在照顧的過程中最困擾的是失智老人的行為精神症狀,除使照顧工作倍增困難外,也增加了照顧者的照顧負擔。然而,讓失智老人穩定的參與活動可延緩其失智病情、增加社會參與外,同時也讓照顧者獲得喘息的空間,進而減輕照顧負擔,因此,本研究想了解輕度失智老人參與日間照顧服務輔助療法對主要照顧者照顧負擔的影響。 本研究以量化研究為主,以面談的方式進行資料蒐集,研究對象為參與中部四縣市,包括:苗栗、台中、彰化、南投日間照顧服務輔助療法之輕度失智老人主要照顧者,共回收109份問卷,此外,並輔以質性訪談補充量化資料之不足,深度訪談4位輕度失智老人主要照顧者,經過資料整理與分析之後,得到下列結論: 一、影響失智主要照顧者照顧負擔的影響因素,包含:照顧者的照顧工作、與失 智老人病後關係;失智老人記憶與行為問題的發生頻率,都和照顧負擔量表達到顯著相關,整體模式的解釋力為38.2%。 二、從質性訪談資料得知,失智老人因著疾病關係不同於一般老人而併發問題行 為,這些問題行為將會影響照顧者與被照顧者關係的改變、角色與責任的不 同、心理及精神的負擔、家庭關係的負擔、日常生活的負擔等,若有其他家人共同分擔照顧責任或給予支持鼓勵、照顧者能找到屬於自己釋放壓力的方法,皆有助於減輕照顧者的照顧負擔。 三、失智主要照顧者的照顧負擔確實存在於台灣社會,考量影響照顧者照顧負擔 的原因,須同時思考老人背景資料、主要照顧者背景資料、記憶與行為問題 以及日間照顧服務輔助療法交互影響之結果。


The increase of the elderly population has been a global phenomenon. As the population ages quickly, there are more and more people with dementia. Most elderly with dementia are cared for by family members and the biggest issue for caregivers is the behaviors and mental health of the elderly with dementia. Their behaviors and mental health not only makes caregiving much more difficult but also increases the caregiving load. However, such elderly’s regular participation in activities can help delay the loss of cognitive abilities, increase involvement in the society and relieve caregiving load from caregivers. Therefore, this thesis is to research the impact of the elderly with mild dementia receiving day care adjuvant therapy on caregivers’ caregiving load. This research focuses on quantitative research and the data is gathered from interviews. Interview participants are caregivers for the elderly with dementia who receive day care adjuvant therapy and are located across four cities in central Taiwan, including Miaoli, Taichung, Changhua and Nantou. 109 questionnaires in total were received and qualitative interviews were conducted to supplement quantitative data. In-depth interviews were conducted with 4 caregivers for the elderly with mild dementia. The following are findings from organizing and analyzing the data: 1.The major factors on the caregiving load of caregivers for the elderly with dementia include caregiving work, the relationship with the elderly after dementia took place and the frequency of memory and behavior problems from the elderly with dementia. These are highly related to caregivers’ caregiving load. The whole model’s explanatory power is 38.2%. 2.The qualitative interviews show that behavioral issues from the elderly with dementia are different from those from the elderly without dementia. These behavioral issues impact the relationship between the caregiver and the one receiving care, roles and responsibilities, psychological and mental stress, family relationships, daily life and etc. If multiple family members share caregiving responsibilities or support each other, caregivers can find ways to reduce the stress, which help reduce caregiving load. 3.The caregiving load of the primary caregivers is heavy in the Taiwanese society. When evaluating the factors to caregivers’ caregiving load, one should also evaluate the intertwined impact of the elderly’s background, the primary caregiver’s background, memory and behavior issues and day care adjuvant therapy.

主题分类 人文學院 > 社會政策與社會工作學系
社會科學 > 社會學
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