


The Influence of Visual Mnemonics for Chinese Characters and the Presentation of Character Pairs on Learning Visually Similar Characters for Chinese-as-Second-Language Learners






圖像化學習策略 ; 字對呈現方式 ; 以中文為二語者 ; 形似字學習 ; visual mnemonics ; the presentation of character pairs ; learning visually similar characters ; Chinese as a second language (CSL)












本研究根據雙重編碼理論與區辨學習理論進行形似字學習的實驗研究,旨在探討圖像化學習策略與字對呈現方式對以中文為第二語言(Chinese as a Second Language, CSL)學習者學習形似字的效果。本研究之實驗設計為3×2二因子混合設計,受試者內的自變項為學習策略(圖像化部件組合、圖像化部件的語句脈絡及筆順法),受試者間的自變項為字對呈現方式(形似字對、隨機字對);依變項為學習者在實驗後(後測)、實驗一週後(延宕後測)的「字義識記作業」與「字形書寫作業」的學習表現,以及科技接受模式量表的評定。研究對象為48位以中文為二語且精通英語的印歐語系母語者,參與者隨機分派至不同字對呈現方式組別,每位參與者需使用一種學習策略學習10個漢字,共學習30個漢字;學習策略採用拉丁方格設計,故每位參與者使用的學習策略順序不同。資料處理採用共變數分析,研究結果發現:一、在字義識記作業後測中,學習策略與字對呈現方式之交互作用顯著,事後檢定顯示,在形似字對中,圖像化部件的語句脈絡之表現顯著優於筆順法,而圖像化部件的語句脈絡與圖像化部件組合無顯著差異;在隨機字對中,三種學習策略的學習效果則沒有差異。二、在字形書寫作業中,計分方式分為整字、部件與筆畫三種層次,共變數分析結果之交互作用、學習策略主要效果與字對呈現方式主要效果皆未達顯著,顯示不同學習策略與字對呈現方式在字形書寫作業後測與延宕後測效果沒有差異。三、在科技接受模式量表中,圖像化部件的語句脈絡與圖像化部件組合在不同構念(知覺有用、知覺易用、使用態度與使用意願)之評定數值皆顯著高於筆順法。本研究結果支持,圖像化部件的語句脈絡有助於CSL學習者學習形似字,且在參與者主觀評定亦得到較高數值。本研究根據結果提出對後續研究與教學實務的相關建議。


This study aims to investagate learning effects of visual mnemonis for Chinese characters and the presentation of character pairs on learning visually similar characters for Chinese-as-second-language (CSL) learners. The experimental design was a 3×2 mixed design. The independent variables were learning method (within-subject: Key-image visual mnemonic, pithy formula with Key-image, and stroke order) and the presentation of character pairs (between-subject: similar pairs and random pairs). The dependent variables were participants’ accuracy on recognizing and writing Chinese characters through a post-test (immediate after learning) and a delay post-test (one week after learning). Forty-eight Indo-European-languages native speakers who were Chinese beginners participated in this study. Each participant learned 30 Chinese characters with three different learning methods. The participants learned 10 characters with each method. A Latin square design was used to balance the condition order such that, all participants experienced each learning method, but on different sessions for different characters. The method to analyze the data was two-way ANCOVA. Firstly, in the recognition post-test, there was an interaction between the learning method and the presentation of character pairs. The similar pairs showed higher accuracy than those in the pithy formula with Key-image. Secondly, in the reproduction test, the interaction between learning method and the presentation of character pairs was not significant. Thirdly, subjective ratings from the questionnaire of Technology Acceptance Model revealed that the participants gave the pithy formula with Key-image the highest rating. Overall, the pithy formula with Key-image was better than the other two methods in supporting learning of visulally similar characters for CSL learners. Moreover, the learners also had the highest subjective rating for the pithy formula with Key-image. Suggestions for future research and pedagogical imiplications on Chinese character learnig were offered.

主题分类 教育學院 > 教育心理與輔導學系
社會科學 > 教育學
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