
以行動科技接受模式探討企業直播教育訓練持續使用之研究 —以某壽險公司為例


Applying the Mobile Technology Acceptance Model to Analyze the Continued Use of Live Streaming on Training ─Using a Life Insurance Company as an Example






行動科技接受模式(MTAM) ; 直播 ; 教育訓練 ; Mobile Technology Acceptance Model(MTAM) ; Live Streaming ; Training












現今屬於數位時代,教育訓練模式愈來愈多元,各企業的教育訓練發展不盡相同。近年來,數位學習為教育訓練的主要學習方式,探討新工具對於教學效果的影響一直都是熱門的議題。2016年直播的興起,運用直播進行教學漸漸在顛覆傳統教學法,本研究考量直播之特性,將互動性及社會臨場感作為外部變項,利用行動科技接受模式為研究架構,探討架構中的行動有用性及行動易用性,並探討其變項對於滿意度及持續使用之影響,以及學習成效對於持續使用之中介效果。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以立意抽樣方式,以某壽險公司曾使用直播學習平台進行教育訓練之員工為研究對象進行分析,有效樣本67份。研究結果發現:(1)「行動易用性」正向影響「行動有用性」;(2) 「行動有用性」、「互動性」、「社會臨場感」正向影響「滿意度」,但「行動易用性」不顯著影響「滿意度」;(3)「互動性」正向影響「社會臨場感」;(4)「滿意度」正向影響「持續使用」,「學習成效」部分中介兩者之間之關係。本研究根據結果提出建議,認為應增加直播教育訓練過程中的互動性,並強化課程內容,以提升同仁滿意度及持續使用之意圖,相關研究結果可供研究之企業,以及後續研究者作為相關研究參考。


In this digital age, there are various ways of employee training. However, the development of employee training in each company are different. In recent years, e-learning has become the main method for training. While exploring the new tools for impact of training effect has always been a popular topic. Due to the rise of live streaming in 2016, the use of live streaming to learn has been gradually subverting the traditional training pattern. Consider the features of live streaming, this study uses interaction and social presence as the outer variables. Mobile Technology Acceptance Model are adopted to explore mobile usefulness and mobile ease of use. Moreover, we discuss the effect of its variables on satisfaction and continued use, and the learning outcome for the mediating effect of continued use. In this study, the questionnaire survey method was used on the employees of a life insurance company using live streaming training. It resulted in 67 valid samples. The results of this study shows that (1) mobile ease of use has a positive impact on the mobile usefulness. (2) mobile usefulness, interaction and social presence has a positive impact on the satisfaction, but mobile ease of use does not impact the satisfaction. (3) Interaction has a positive impact on social presence. (4) Satisfaction has a positive impact on continued use, and the learning outcome has partial mediating effect of satisfaction and continued use. According to the results, this study suggests that it should increase the interaction of the live streaming as training and strengthen the contents of the course to enhance the satisfaction of the colleagues and the intention to continued use. The results of the study can be referenced by the life insurance company, as well as follow-up researchers.

主题分类 科技與工程學院 > 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
社會科學 > 經濟學
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