


Perioperative Nurse's Health-Promoting Lifestyles and the Related Factors






健康促進生活型態 ; 自覺健康狀態 ; 工作壓力 ; 手術室護理師 ; health promotion lifestyle ; self reported health status ; working stress ; perioperative nurses












摘 要 個人生活習慣與行為對於健康狀態有相當的影響。至今有許多研究探討護士健康狀況與生活型態的關係,但在這些研究中比較少針對一些特殊單位進行調查。本研究為一橫斷式研究,旨在探討臺北市醫學中心手術室護理師健康促進生活型態現況及其相關因子。於2020年12月至2021年2月發放200份自填結構式問卷,取得有效問卷173份,回收率為86.5%,研究結果如下: 一、手術室護理師健康促進生活型態中等以上,分量表由高至低依序為人際支持、自我實現、壓力管理、營養、健康責任與運動。 二、自覺健康狀態與工作壓力為中高程度,各壓力來源以職業危害暴露為高,其他依序為職場關係互動、工作生活衝突、醫院制度、工作緊湊與人力短缺壓力。 三、健康促進生活型態與年齡、輪值夜班、自覺健康狀態、工作壓力顯著相關。整體模式能有效預測健康促進生活型態,可解釋總變異量31.3%,主要預測變項為自覺健康狀態、人力短缺壓力、年齡,其中以自覺健康狀態最具影響力。 基於以上發現,建議管理者推動健康運動、改善醫院制度及監控職業安全以促進手術室護理師整體的健康。


Abstract Individual’s habits and behaviors play crucial roles in one’s health status. Many researchers investigated the life style and health status among nurses but few focused on nurses in special unit such as surgery room. This cross sectional study aimed at identifying perioperative nurse’s health-promoting lifestyles and the related factors from a tertiary medical center in Northern Taiwan. Total 200 self reported questionnaires were issued during December 2020 to Feburary 2021 and 173 effective questionnaires were collected. The recovery rate was 86.5%. The result revealed the score of perioperative nurse’s health promotion lifestyle is medium to high; the ranking of each subscale from high to low is interpersonal relationship, self actualization, stress management, nutrition, health responsibility and physical activity. The scores of self reported health status and working stress are medium to high. The highest working stress was occupational hazards exposure, followed by interpersonal relationship, work-life conflict, coporate policy, overloaded and manpower shortage. Age, night shift working, self reported health status and working stress were significantly associated with health promotion lifestyle. Age, self reported health status and shortage of manpower were the significant predictors and explain 31.3% of the total variance of health-promoting lifestyles, with self reported health status being the best predictor. Based on the research results, recommendations are made for health activities, policies, and occupational health to improve overall health of perioperative nurses.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
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