Individual’s habits and behaviors play crucial roles in one’s health status. Many researchers investigated the life style and health status among nurses but few focused on nurses in special unit such as surgery room. This cross sectional study aimed at identifying perioperative nurse’s health-promoting lifestyles and the related factors from a tertiary medical center in Northern Taiwan. Total 200 self reported questionnaires were issued during December 2020 to Feburary 2021 and 173 effective questionnaires were collected. The recovery rate was 86.5%.
The result revealed the score of perioperative nurse’s health promotion lifestyle is medium to high; the ranking of each subscale from high to low is interpersonal relationship, self actualization, stress management, nutrition, health responsibility and physical activity. The scores of self reported health status and working stress are medium to high. The highest working stress was occupational hazards exposure, followed by interpersonal relationship, work-life conflict, coporate policy, overloaded and manpower shortage. Age, night shift working, self reported health status and working stress were significantly associated with health promotion lifestyle. Age, self reported health status and shortage of manpower were the significant predictors and explain 31.3% of the total variance of health-promoting lifestyles, with self reported health status being the best predictor.
Based on the research results, recommendations are made for health activities, policies, and occupational health to improve overall health of perioperative nurses.
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