


A Research of the Relationship between Student Teachers' Satisfaction of New Student Teaching Internship and the Teaching Commitment






新制教育實習 ; 新制教育實習滿意度 ; 實習滿意度 ; 任教承諾 ; 實習學生 ; new student teaching internship ; new student teaching internship satisfaction ; internship satisfaction ; teaching commitment ; student teachers












本研究旨在了解實習學生的新制教育實習滿意度與任教承諾狀況、比較不同背景變項實習學生的新制教育實習滿意度與任教承諾之差異,以及探究新制教育實習滿意度與任教承諾間之相關情形。研究方法採問卷調查法,以108、109學年度參與新制教育實習之國立臺灣師範大學實習學生作為研究對象,回收問卷共計335份,有效問卷共計333份,整體回收率為99.40%。研究工具採研究者自編之「實習學生新制教育實習滿意度與任教承諾問卷」進行調查,所得資料主要透過信效度分析、描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關,以及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究結果如下: 一、實習學生對新制教育實習滿意度之現況為中等程度以上,其中以「實習學校辦理教育實習的滿意度」為最高。 二、實習學生對任教承諾之現況為中高程度以上,其中以「學生學習的承諾」為最高。 三、部分不同背景變項的實習學生在新制教育實習滿意度與任教承諾上有差異。 (一)不同「實習學校規模」之實習學生新制教育實習滿意度有顯著差異,其中以「37班以上」最為滿意。 (二)不同「實習學校規模」之實習學生任教承諾差異存在,其中以「37班以上」的任教承諾為最高。 四、新制教育實習滿意度整體與各構面及任教承諾整體與各構面之間均有顯著相關。 五、新制教育實習滿意度對實習學生任教承諾具顯著預測力,且以「實習學校滿意度」對整體任教承諾的預測力最高。 根據本研究之發現,提出若干具體建議予教育行政主管機關、師資培育大學、教育實習機構、實習學生及後續研究作為參考。


This study focuses on student teachers’ satisfaction of the new student teaching internship and the teaching commitment, the rates of the internship satisfaction and the teaching commitment among student teachers with different backgrounds, and the relationship between student teachers’ internship satisfaction of the new student teaching internship and the teaching commitment. This study adopts the questionnaire method, and takes NTNU student teachers who took part in the new student teaching internship in 108 and 109 academic years as research subjects. A total of 335 questionnaires were sent out, and 333 valid samples were obtained. The effective recovery rate is 99.40%. The research instrument conducting in this study is Student Teachers’ Internship Satisfaction of the New Student Teaching Internship and the Teaching Commitment Questionnaire. The data are analyzed by reliability and validity analysis, descriptive statistics, Students’ t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. The major findings are summarized as follows: 1. The extents to which student teachers appeared on the internship satisfaction of the new student teaching internship is above the average. Among the dimensions of the new student internship satisfaction, the satisfaction towards education practicum schools comes out on top. 2. The extents to which student teachers appeared on the teaching commitment is above the average. Among the dimensions of the teaching commitment, the commitment towards students’ learning comes out on top. 3. Some students with different backgrounds agree with internship satisfaction and the teaching commitment distinctly. (1) There are significant differences about internship satisfaction in different scales of education practicum schools. Among the variables of scales of education practicum schools, schools which have more than 37 classes have the greatest internship satisfaction. (2) There are significant differences about teaching commitment in different scales of education practicum schools. Among the variables of scales of education practicum schools, schools which have more than 37 classes have higher teaching commitment. 4. There is significant correlation between the internship satisfaction of the new student teaching internship and the teaching commitment. And so are the separate dimensions of the internship satisfaction and the teaching commitment. 5. The internship satisfaction of the new student teaching internship significantly predicts the teaching commitment, and the satisfaction towards education practicum schools is the most important predictor. According to the findings of this study, suggestions are put forth to be the reference points for the education administration authority, education practicum schools, colleges for teacher education, student teachers and future research.

主题分类 教育學院 > 教育政策與行政研究所
社會科學 > 教育學
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