


A Study on the Association between Young Children's Sleep Status and their Executive Function






幼兒夜間睡眠 ; 就寢時間 ; 睡眠總量 ; 睡眠品質 ; 執行功能 ; young children's sleep ; bedtime ; sleep duration ; sleep quality ; executive function














The purpose of this research is to understand the relation between children’ s sleep status and their performance of executive function. This study used longitudinal data from the " National Longitudinal Study of Child Development & Care(KIT): 36-month-old cohort" to investigate bedtime, sleep duration and, sleep quality of young children and how they are related to their executive functions. The results of stepwise regression analysis showed that the variables that most significantly predicted the performance of 5-year-old children's executive function were in order of 5-year-old sleep quality, socioeconomic status, gender, and 5-year-old bedtime. The variables most significantly predicting the performance of 6-year-old children's executive function were 5-year-old executive function performance, socioeconomic status, 6-year-old sleep quality, and gender. In addition, we divided children into four groups based on bedtime and total sleep amount(early bed and late rise, early bed and early rise, late bed and late rise, late bed and early rise). there were significant differences in the performance of 5 and 6 years old children's executive function between the group of early bed and late rise and the group of late bed and early rise in 5 years old. The difference between the two groups came from the difference in the total amount of sleep. In theory, this study increased the domestic literature on sleep and executive function of young children. In practice, the research results served as the empirical theoretical basis for designing intervention programs to improve the executive function of young children.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
教育學院 > 人類發展與家庭學系
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