


The study of data security in cloud computing environments






雲端運算 ; 資料安全 ; 備援系統 ; 資料遷 ; cloud computing ; data security ; backup systems ; data migration














Cloud computing is already the major topic of the computer science research; its commercial application has become a new trend. File data availability, integrity are the major research topic in cloud computing. The security issues become the key of success while the information retrieval from the data deposit of the cloud computing environment. Therefore, this study is try to create a cloud backup system, in order to increase the file data availability, to reduce the integrity of security threats. This system can achieve the objective which users can believe the cloud computing environment. Furthermore, in the earlier cloud computing most of the business archives are migrated data from the local storage devices into the cloud platform. Such applications are confronted with the overloading of network bandwidth, and manually operation of data migration will induce the error easily. Therefore, the migration function for file data to the cloud platform system is constructed in a cloud environment in this research, and enhances the function to more completeness and easier to use. For the commercial application consideration, the proposed system developed the cloud file backup utilization to increase data security. This research consists mainly of three parts: the first is described how to build an operating environment for Apache, PHP, Java program, the Linux operating system environment; the second is followed by the establishment the interface of a users to browse and download the backup files; Finally, there are some modules are presented in the design of the FTP server to migrate files, including the program module and communication cloud platform of redundancy department program modules. In this system, it integrated system environment, interface modules and associated files database structure. And these operations are expressed in a logical procedure of these programs. After the implementation and verification, the proposed system in this study can provide users with a security and convenience cloud backup system.

主题分类 資訊科技學院 > 資訊管理研究所
社會科學 > 管理學
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