Changes in the structure of domestic industries in recent years, discount business model is continuing innovation, although the sugar quantity is the Ministry of Economy is a member of one of the State-owned Enterprises, already needed to fulfill our corporate social responsibility, with competing is not a sugar wholesale business goals, meet public needs and quality of life is the spirit of enterprise is located. Volume vendors shop operating except needs large area of business land and huge resources inputs, also needs different of commodity to meet stores of rich degrees; however most of management personnel through experience rule of subjective consciousness for operating performance of analysis, experience rule habit needs long time education of secondary, dang occurs operating performance does not Chang Shi, due to too subjective of judgment, more cannot found failed of main due to, so how assessment volume vendors shop operating performance, on volume vendors shop management personnel is a important of topics.
This research will to operating managers of angle, selected personnel costs (top leaders, and timing costs), and retail sales cost, and business costs, and changes cost, five a variable as inputs items, to business income and the transactions number, II a variable for outputs items, made data reported complex analysis law (Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA) assessment TSC Hypermarket the positions of relative operating performance, and provides management personnel research recommendations, as the positions resources distribution of rationality consider.
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