


The realization of value proposition into the customer journey:The case of brand N’s X car model




價值主張 ; 價值共創 ; 利害關係人參與 ; 顧客旅程 ; value proposition ; value co-creation ; stakeholder engagement ; customer journey












現今消費者由於網路、科技的快速發展,透過網絡社群的力量以及資訊的透明化,使其從以往被動的角色變成了主動的一方,他們甚至能夠影響企業的營運發展。而目前學術界和業界都漸漸了解到價值主張(value proposition)的重要性,也強調透過互動、參與能夠提升企業的競爭力,改善其服務體驗和接觸經驗等,滿足顧客的期望並共創價值(co-create value),但是對於要企業要如何傳遞價值主張給消費者,引發他們來參與、互動共創價值的過程卻少有研究探討,實務上也尚未有標準化或是相關的流程來協助企業做策略上的參考,因此期望可以透過本篇研究進一步了解價值主張在透過利害關係人的參與、共創後是如何體現在顧客旅程裡,藉以填補現有知識的缺口。 所以本研究採用質性研究的單一個案研究法,深入探討N汽車品牌X車型的企業個案,並從其顧客旅程中可以發現該企業是如何成功將價值主張轉化為真正的價值的過程,透過與利害關係人的互動整合來強化價值主張在顧客旅程中的傳遞,N企業透過顧客以及利害關係人(stakeholder)的參與以及互動來讓彼此都達到價值共創的目的,除此之外也能夠更加有效的傳遞企業所提出的價值主張。 藉由N汽車品牌X車型的個案與理論的相互對話,本研究整理歸納出企業、產品的價值主張在被提出後,藉由利害關係人的參與以及其與顧客的互動將價值主張強化並體現在顧客旅程中的接觸點(touch points)中,而透過深入了解其顧客旅程可以使企業改善其顧客體驗不足的地方,進而吸引更多顧客的參與、互動,並強化價值主張的傳遞,創造獨特的顧客旅程。


Value proposition can be view as an invitation to consumers, inviting them to interact with the company. As the growing of technology, consumers have more value proposition options nowadays, and they have played in a more active role in engaging with the company. Therefore, the concept of service-dominant logic emerges, according to one of the service-dominant logic foundational premises state that enterprises could only offer value proposition, but lack of the standard architecture for how value proposition being transferred and realized. The aim of this present study is to examine the concept of how value proposition be realized into customer journey, with the engagement of stakeholders, based on service-dominant logic. This study adopts qualitative research methods to depict the customer journey of brand N’s X car model, and discuss how the value proposition is defined, and how it delivered and evolved after the engagement of stakeholders during the journey, even the realization of the value. The proposed framework allowed us to take a glimpse into the black box, which is the relationship of value proposition, value co-creation and customer journey. In summary, the research shows that the value proposition which enterprise raised, through the stakeholders’ engagement and consumers’ interact, can be realized and transformed during customer journey’s touch points.

主题分类 管理學院 > 國際企業研究所
社會科學 > 管理學
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