


A Study on Driver Human Factors, Organizational Human Factors, Driving behavior, and Retention for Inter-City Bus Drivers




人因特性 ; 駕駛行為 ; 駕駛績效 ; 留任意願 ; Job Stress ; Job Satisfaction ; Organizational Climate ; Driver Behavior ; Retention












根據交通部統計,提供長途運輸服務交通工具的包含:台鐵、公路客運、高鐵等。其中公路客運的陸運運輸載客量佔全部陸運運輸載客量的4~5成。汽車客運業必須持續提升安全性和服務品質,以保持競爭優勢。民國96年高鐵通車後,運輸業競爭更加激烈,汽車客運駕駛員輪班情形增多,導致駕駛心理、工作壓力上升,更使得駕駛員的流動率提升。 駕駛員為國道客運安全管理體系重要影響因素之一,也是客運公司最大的人力資源,然而培養一個優良的駕駛員並非一蹴可幾,影響駕駛員之留任的因素甚多,必須審慎考量。文獻指出工作壓力會造成危險駕駛行為,也會使離職率提升,除此之外,影響駕駛行為、留任意願的因素尚包含駕駛員工作滿足、管理者領導風格、組織文化與組織氣候等。本研究透過個案客運公司協助進行問卷調查及提供資料,探究駕駛員人因特性、組織管理人因特性與駕駛行為及留任意願之間的關係,經資料收集、整理與模式構建,分析影響駕駛員駕駛行為、留任意願之重要因素。 本研究以統計檢定與結構方程模式檢驗駕駛員人因特性與組織管理人因特性如何影響駕駛行為及留任意願,並透過上述因素反映在留任意願評估的特性,探討造成駕駛離職率高的主要因素。本研究主要結果如下: (1)從留任意願的分析中,工作滿足與組織氣候是造成駕駛員流動率高的主要因素。(2)從駕駛行為的分析中,工作壓力、留任意願分別是造成與降低偏差駕駛行為發生的主因。(3)組織氣候是提升工作滿足與降低工作壓力的因素之一。(4)從駕駛員工作環境以及組織管理因素的角度,提供客運業者對留任意願評估策略建議。藉由將駕駛員個人狀況列入留任意願判斷之考量依據,預期將可提早預防駕駛員離職事件發生。


There are some transportation modes that provide long-distance transport services which comprised of Taiwan railway, inter-city bus carriers, high-speed railway and so on. The statistics show that inter-city bus carriers accounted for the number of daily passenger volume of 40 to 50 percent. Since high-speed railway started operating in 2007, it became more competitive in transportation that caused drivers’ psychological and work pressure rise. Moreover, the turnover rate of inter-city bus drivers increased. Drivers are the one of the important factors of inter-city bus safety management system. In previous studies related to professional drivers, literatures indicated that job stress may cause dangerous driving behavior and increase turnover rate. Besides, drivers’ job satisfaction and organizational climate will also affect the driving behavior of professional drivers. This research aims to investigate the relationship between human factors, driver aberrant behavior, and retention of drivers. An empirical analysis was performed with the SEM approach. The theoretical model is calibrated by PLS techniques. After data compilation, we can find out the important factors that affect driving behavior and retention of drivers. The main research contents are as follows: (1) the main factors causing the high turnover rate include job satisfaction and organizational climate; (2) the main factors causing the dangerous driving behavior include job stress and retention.; and (3) according to structural modeling of the human factors, the results might help intercity bus company developing strategies to improve the turnover rate of professional drivers.

主题分类 管理學院 > 交通管理科學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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