


UX Design Management: Type of Management Systems and Communication Strategies in Taiwan Technology Industry




UX管理 ; 設計組織管理 ; 管理系統理論 ; 領導 ; 組織管理 ; UX management ; Design team management ; Management systems ; Leadership ; Communication














This study aimed to realize how leaders and UX designers solved problems with their communication strategies in different management systems. Based on Liker’s research outlined four systems of management to describe relationship, involvement, and roles of managers and subordinates in industrial settings. The four management systems are: Exploitative Authoritative, Benevolent Authoritative, Consultative System and Participative System. Twenty-three UX teams from Taiwan IT industry, including thirty leaders and team members were invited to attend the interviews. The affinity diagram approach was applied to organize analysis and to extract keywords from the qualitative data, as well as matching the keywords and communication strategies with the Key elements of four management systems. The study results reveal how UX team in Taiwan IT industry solved the problems with their communication strategies in different management systems that hopefully could provide UX leaders and researchers suggestion for the future UX management and study.

主题分类 人文社會學院 > 傳播研究所
社會科學 > 傳播學
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