


The Effect of Trust on Driver Response of using Advanced Driver Assistance System




信任感 ; 先進駕駛輔助系統 ; 駕駛回應 ; 駕駛行為 ; 先進十字路口防碰撞警示系統 ; 實際場預測試 ; Trust ; ADAS ; Driver Response ; Driver behavior ; IMA ; Field Operation Test














In order to decrease the amount of accidents or mitigate the consequences of them, today’s vehicles are being equipped with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems(ADAS). The effect of the ADAS on improving driver’s safety is not only base on system performance but also user’s behavior. In the relevant literature, trust between user and ADAS is considered a key variable. Particularly, trust guides driver’s behavior when facing complexity and unanticipated situations. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to explore the role of the trust between user and user’s reacting behavior when IMA system trigger alert, based on the field test data in the real world. Moreover, some important factors related to trust was measured, in order to develop a model for realizing the principle how drivers establish and modify their trust. The study results show that driver’s react behavior has positive correlation with trust. At the same time, the section of trust before using the IMA has positive correlation with expectation and mental mode. Further, trust after having the experience of using IMA has positive correlation with utility and confirmation. The study results are expected to illustrate the effect of the trust and provide some suggestions based on the principle of how trust develops.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
管理學院 > 運輸與物流管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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