


Explore impacts of self-regulation scaffolding on nighth-grade students’ views of nature of science.




自我調整學習 ; 科學認識論 ; 科學本質 ; 國中生 ; Nature of science ; middle school students ; self-regulated learning ; scientific epistemology












本研究目的是探討九年級學生參與融入自我調整學習策略的科學本質教學前、後,自我調整學習能力與科學本質觀點有何改變,並藉由分析放聲思考任務中所展現的自我調整學習表現,進而探討學習者的自我調整學習能力與科學本質觀點的改變有何關聯。 本研究分為兩階段。階段一採準實驗設計,以九年級學生共59人為對象,分為實驗組與對照組。實驗組採用自我調整學習策略嵌入科學本質教學,而對照組則是僅接受科學本質教學,比較兩組的學生於科學本質觀點開放式問卷與自我調整學習自陳量表的差異,以了解不同教學模式學生的自陳自我調整表現(後測)有何差異,與教學前、後科學本質觀點改變的程度有何差異。 為進一步取得自我調整學習表現與科學本質觀點發展關聯更直接的證據,研究者設計放聲思考任務,以分析學習者於模擬科學家探討未知現象的科學本質小活動中,展現哪些自我調整學習策略和了解學生所展現的科學本質觀點,以分析學生的自我調整學習表現如何影響科學本質觀點。此部分,從階段一的實驗組與對照組有效樣本中以學生「自我調整學習自陳量表前測分數」,將學生分為高中低三組,從各班高分組隨機取3人、中間組取4人、低分組取3人參與階段二的放聲思考任務。 科學本質觀點開放式問卷的分析結果顯示,接受自我調整學習策略嵌入科學本質教學的實驗組學生,於科學的暫時性觀點提升人數較多。而進、退步人數比例上,實驗組學生進步的比例略高於對照組,尤其卡方檢定的結果顯示,實徵性與暫時性觀點的進、退步與嵌入自我調整學習策略與否有顯著關聯性。自我調整學習自陳量表的分析結果顯示,嵌入自我調整學習策略的課程和鷹架能夠顯著提升學生自陳自我調整學習表現,對照組則否;但推論性統計上,兩組學生在自陳自我調整學習量表的後測分數未達顯著差異。然而,分析放聲思考任務中,第二階段參與者的任務相依自我調整學習表現,實驗組展現較佳策略品質(Level 1)的人數較對照組多,呈現較差策略品質(Level 2)的人數較對照組少。另外,高自我調整學習表現的學生,進行黑箱任務時,較能監測證據的增加而精緻化推論,或發現新證據而無法以目前的推論解釋,因而判斷必須調整或進行其他的觀察略來進一步檢視結論,在事後訪談中亦較能覺察並以自己的學習經驗來支持自己的暫時性觀點。屬於高自我調整學習表現的學生中,有半數屬於建構或混合觀點,而屬於實證觀點亦有半數。當自我調整學習的品質降至中和低表現,屬於實證的暫時性觀點的學習者人數提高。 本研究顯示,於科學本質教學中融入自我調整學習教學和鷹架,可提升學習者的任務相依自我調整學習表現,並在科學知識的暫時性觀點方面,提升建構觀點的比例。在科學本質教學過程中,學習者的自我調整學習表現對其科學本質觀點的發展歷程有重要的影響。


This study investigated whether incorporating scaffolds of self-regulated learning with nature of science instruction would affect 9th graders’ skills of self-regulated learning and views of nature of science. This study took a mix-method approach. A quasi-experimental design was used at the first part of the study. Two classes of the 9th grade students, recruited from the Northern Taiwan were divided into two groups. One class of the students received an instruction and scaffolds of self-regulated learning while underwent three units on nature of science. The control group received only the units on nature of science without the instruction and scaffolds of self-regulated learning. Performances of the two groups were compared based on their level of understanding about nature of science and their score of a self-reported questionnaire on self-regulated learning. At the second part of the study, students with high (n=3), moderate (n=4), and low (n=3) scores of the self-regulated learning questionnaire, both from the experimental and the control groups, were invited to participate a black-box activity. They were to think-aloud while working through the activity in order to analyze their self-regulated skills and view about nature of science. The results from the questionnaire for Views of NOS show that, students who received the SRL scaffolds outperformed their counterpart on the tentativeness of scientific knowledge. Results of Chi-squared analyses also showed that the incorporation for SRL scaffolds is significantly associated with learners’ changing views regarding the tentative and empirical nature of scientific knowledge. Students who received the SRL scaffolds also demonstrated a significant improvement on their SRL scores, which were not observed on students of the control groups. No difference was found between the two groups, however, on the score of the post-SRL questionnaire. The qualitive analyses showed that more students of the experimental group demonstrated better quality of SRL skills than students of the control group. The former learners were more aware of the new evidence and, therefore, refined their conclusion; they were more likely be aware of anormaly and decided to collect more evidence for evaluating their conclusion as well. The findings of the study showed that incorporating SRL scaffolds facilitate SRL skills and the soficitated view on tentative nature of scientific knowledge. More importantly, learners’ SRL skills is found to play an important role on their views about NOS.

主题分类 人文社會學院 > 教育研究所
社會科學 > 教育學
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