


Effect of Vehicle Characteristics on Vehicle Sales




替代能源 ; 環保 ; 購車因素 ; 享樂性 ; 功能性 ; Alternative energy ; environmental protection ; vehicle factor ; hedonic ; utilitarian














The rising of environmental awareness, in addition to areas outside of a better public transport in Taipei, and other areas with mainly dominated by private transport in Taiwan. According to the statistics data, you can see the number of vehicles holdings increased year by year. Number of holding gas vehicles remain high, while the number of environmental hybrid vehicles have grown slowly. So this study conduct analysis of vehicle sales, in the last three years among explore different models of vehicle impact vehicle sales, we would like to know in which of these different models of vehicle characteristics significantly influence which vehicle sales, and we hope that we can use this study which consumers will buy general vehicle shift to buy environmental friendly vehicles. The study will analyze the vehicle characteristics, which affect of vehicle sales and we use questionnaires to analysis significant variables that affect the vehicle sales. In study 1, we use regression analysis to analysis the significant variables affect sales of vehicles in two different model. The results show that in addition to general we think significantly affect the sales price, there are domestic or import vehicles, displacement, fuel consumption of these vehicles own characteristics as well as airbags, parking assist image, Descent and other vehicle spare also significant impact on vehicles sales. In Study 2, in the study we use significant variable in study 1 that we allow consumers to assess the characteristics of these vehicles, or vehicles equipped belong hedonic or utilitarian characteristics. The results show that these characteristics, consumer believe that most of the variables for the utilitarian characteristics. In addition to consumers, also allow to choose the priorities when they purchase. The results that consumers in the purchase of vehicles most will give priority to the price then pay attention to airbags and other vehicle characteristics. Finally, the study also suggests that the management implications of the above results, the follow-up to the recommendations of vehicle suppliers and subsequent research.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
管理學院 > 運輸與物流管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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