


The correlation among hostility, perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness and suicidal ideation of college students




大學生 ; 自殺意念 ; 人際自殺理論 ; 人際需求 ; 敵意 ; college students ; suicidal ideation ; interpersonal theory of suicide ; interpersonal needs ; hostility












自殺防治為當今社會的重要議題,自殺身亡更高居年輕人的第二大死因。過去少有研究探討敵意與人際自殺理論的結合,本研究將探討敵意與知覺造成他人負擔、受挫歸屬感的關係,同時檢驗上述兩人際信念在敵意與自殺意念間的中介效果。 本研究採問卷調查法,以台灣18-25歲的大學生為研究對象。共獲得有效樣本431位,施測基本資料問卷、短式華人敵意量表、中文版人際需求量表、中文版貝克自殺意念量表。以進一步分析變項間的相關、解釋力及中介效果。 研究結果如下:(1)敵意與四個敵意子變項(敵意認知、敵意表達、敵意情感、壓抑敵意)和受挫歸屬感、知覺造成他人負擔有顯著正相關性。(2)敵意可顯著預測受挫歸屬感與知覺造成他人負擔。(3)敵意可藉由知覺造成他人負擔的中介影響自殺意念,為部分中介效果。(4)敵意認知、敵意情感都可藉由知覺造成他人負擔的中介影響自殺意念,知覺造成他人負擔對敵意認知與自殺意念為部分中介效果,對敵意情感與自殺意念則為完全中介效果。 本文最後以上述研究結果提出討論,給予諮商輔導實務上的建議,並提出未來研究方向的建議。


Suicide prevention is a serious issue in today’s society, suicide became the second leading cause of death among young adults. The main purposes of this research are examining the correlation between hostility and two thwarted interpersonal needs, and testing the mediate effect of thwarted interpersonal needs in the relation between hostility and suicidal ideation.This research adapted questionnaire method, based upon college students in Taiwan with 431 valid samples. The measure tools used in this study include “Chinese Hostility Inventory–Short Form”, “Chinese version of Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire” and “Chinese version of Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation”. The main findings were as follows: (1)Hostility along with its four subvariables(hostility cognition, hostility affect, express hostility behavior and suppressive hostility) are positively correlated with thwarted inter-personal needs.(2)Hostility has positive predictive power towards thwarted interpersonal needs.(3)Perceived burdensomeness has partial mediating effect on hostility and suicidal ideation.(4)Perceived burdensomeness has partial mediating effect on hostility cognition and suicidal ideation, while full mediating effect on hostility affect and suicidal ideation. Finally, the advanced discussions and further suggestions on counseling practice and future researches were addressed based on the result of this study.

主题分类 人文社會學院 > 教育研究所
社會科學 > 教育學
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