


Effects of alley on-street parking charges on parking behaviors and characteristics




路邊停車 ; 違規比 ; 事前與事後比較分析研究 ; street parking ; illegal parking rate ; before and after study














Parking policy and traffic policy are intimately intertwined, in facing the severely imbalanced parking demand-and-supply predicament, expansion of car parks was merely an expedient. Reduction of parking demand is the true road to a permanent cure. Thus we are obliged to impact paid parking to restrain both growth in numbers and facility usage of private vehicles.The purpose of this study is to investigate how implementation of charge plan for street parking in Taipei affects users' parking behaviors and characteristics. Besides, we also want to verify whether these plans really help us to reach the expected result. In this research, we use both questionnaire and real observation to investigate the parking behavior before and after the implementation of the parking plan. The former showed that this plan really helped those who really needed a parking space found parking blocks (ex. temporary parking users) for their cars, and improper occupation of street parking blocks could help us to improve improper parking behaviors. The latter showed that the implementation of the parking fee could significantly reduce the average parking duration. However, the average parking space turn-over rate barely changed, and the average parking space occupancy decreased significantly. With another method, we found that average parking duration are significantly. Besides, after the implementation of parking fee, illegal parking rate increased significantly. In addition, further analysis for numbers of parking showed that charge based on how long drivers parked could help improve the supply and demand of street parking grids (Performance level of parking service promoted from D to B). However, charge based on number of parking times showed significant shortage of street parking grids, which even brought bad effect on toll-free sections(Performance level of parking service lowered from D to E). These toll-free sections also showed serious shortage of street parking grids and the illegal parking rate raised significantly.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
管理學院 > 運輸與物流管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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