


Optimal Analysis of Gas Detection System In The Semiconductor Industry




氣體偵測器 ; 氣體供應系統 ; 氣瓶櫃 ; 特氣閥箱 ; The gas detection ; The gas supply system ; The air bottle cabinet ; are mad the valve box especially












本研究乃針對半導體產業製造過程中,使用許多特殊氣體,在儲存、供應及生產後之廢氣排放,皆需符合台灣的相關環保與勞工安全法規的需求。瞭解半導體產業,是否能有效監控特殊氣體的洩漏源,例如:氣體房內高壓氣瓶櫃、生產設備區氣體閥箱、生產設備區機台、生產設備區環境,氣體偵測器配置的數量及偵測系統安裝位置與功能上之設計研究,以期達到半導體產業氣體偵測系統設計之目的。 近年來隨著半導體產業科技的發展,半導體產業工業安全及職災所造成的損失也隨之升高,半導體產業因應製程不同之需求,而使用特殊氣體種類眾多,發生氣體外洩時,不僅造成半導體產業損失之外,對勞工亦造成極大的傷害,甚至造成死亡,在災害發生時發時,通常以人員緊急疏散,廠務部門與工安部門之應變人員無法及時做有效之災害控制,經常造成財產損害。 在針對高科技半導體產業的氣體監測系統設計之研究,瞭解與探討高科技半導體產業廠內是否在氣體洩露時,立即有效控制與管理災情。利用時間情境觀察法,分成三段時間點,A.30年前~20年前(西元1986~1996),B.20年前~10年前(西元1996~2006),C.10年前~現今(西元2006~2016),來各別研究,設備進步和技術進步的優勢與劣勢分析,技術成本效益與功能效率分析的差異,適用化分析,最後在使用專家訪談法,進行原廠技術工程師與高階資深主管,針對未來半導體產業氣體偵測器的發展策略與趨勢,進行專案訪談,未來的技術趨勢發展(成本效率/功能效率/適用化)與未來的策略發展(成本效率/功能效率/適用化),本論文將可以提供給未來高科技半導體產業之工安相關部門,做為環境安全監控系統最適化設計的規劃與參考。 關鍵字:氣體偵測器、氣體供應系統、氣瓶櫃、特氣閥箱


This research is in view of the semiconductor industry manufacture process in, uses many special gas, after the storage, the supply and the production the exhaust gas discharge, all must conform to Taiwan's related environmental protection and the laborer safety rule demand.Understood semiconductor industry, whether can monitor the special gas effectively the divulging source, for example: In the gas room the high-pressure bottle cabinet, the production equipment area gas valve box, the production equipment area radio station, the production equipment area environment, gas detection disposition quantity and the detection system install in the position and the function the design research, achieves goal of the semiconductor industry gas detection system design by the time. In recent years along with the semiconductor industry science and technology development, the loss which the semiconductor industry industrial safety and the duty disaster created also along with it ascension, the semiconductor industry demand of in accordance to the system Cheng tong, but used the special gas type to be multitudinous, when illuminating gas in vitro released, only caused beside the semiconductor industry losses, also caused the enormous damage to the laborer, even caused the death, occurred when the disaster when sent, usually dispersed urgently by the personnel, strain of personnel the factory service department and the labor peaceful department was unable to make the effective disaster control promptly, created the property harm frequently. In aims at the high tech semiconductor industry research the gas monitor system design, understood and discusses in the high tech semiconductor industry factory whether in gas revelation time, immediately the active control and the management disaster situation.Using the time situation method of inspection, divides into three period of time spots, the A.30 year ago ~20 years ago (A.D. 1986~1996), the B.20 year ago ~10 years ago (A.D. 1996~2006), the C.10 year ago ~ nowadays (A.D. 2006~2016), comes the different research, the equipment progress and the technology advancement superiority and the inferiority analysis, the technology cost benefit and the function efficiency analysis difference, is suitable the analysis, finally is using the expert interview law, carries on original factory technology engineer and the higher order senior manager, in view of the future semiconductor industry gas detection development strategy and the tendency, will carry on the special case interview, the future technical tendency development (the cost efficiency/function efficiency/is suitable) (Cost efficiency/function efficiency/will be suitable) with the future strategy development, the present paper might provide labor of peaceful correlation department to the future high tech semiconductor industry, will do is most suitable for the environmental safety supervisory system the design plan and the reference. Key words: The gas detection, the gas supply system, the air bottle cabinet, are mad the valve box especially

主题分类 管理學院 > 管理學院科技管理學程
社會科學 > 管理學
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