The body temperature is one of the important indices of human body autoregulation, it is also a discriminate assessment of clinical disease. The body temperature is controlled by the hypothalamus, which also domains the autonomic nervous system (ANS). When somebody has a fever, the body temperature abnormal raises, vasoconstrictions, heart rate increases, the sympathetic (SNS) is activation, the blood pressure increases, etc. Therefore, it is important to indicate what regulation between the body temperature and ANS. The common non-invasive indicator for ANS is based on heart rate variability (HRV). Beside it, pulse rate variability (PRV) also can be a non-invasive indicator for ANS under some conditions (e.g. supine or tilt-up position). However, these two methods have limitation on spectral analysis because of the beat-to-beat timescale property. For higher resolution on spectral analysis, instantaneous PRV (iPRV) was proposed. iPRV adopts empirical mode decomposition and PRV technology to break the restriction of timescale and obtain the higher resolution information on spectral analysis.
This study, which was approved by the Research Ethics Committee for Human Subject Protection and confirmed by a pediatrician, was to acquire the photoplethysmography (PPG) signal of 15 fever patients (body temperature ≧ 37.9 ℃) and 15 feverless people (body temperature < 37.9 ℃), assigned to Fever group and Control group, respectively . The signal was used for iPRV analysis. The analysis results show the conventional ranges (Low frequency, LF: 0.04~0.15 Hz; High frequency, HF: 0.15~0.4Hz) of iPRV also observe the activities of ANS. As well, the modified indices including ultra-band (Very high frequency, VHF: 0.4~0.9 Hz) are significant difference (p-value <0.05) between fever and feverless symptoms (i.e. normalized HF in Fever group and Control group are 0.19 ±0.0 and 0.31±0.12, respectively). Based on the statistical evidence, VHF is potential to provide indicator of thermoregulation on peripheral circulation. Nevertheless, it still need more experiments to examine. Therefore, to compare the difference between iPRV and HRV for obtaining more mechanisms of thermoregulation is an important point of following research.
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