


The impact of ending version differences on tragedy viewing experience : Exploring downward comparison and meta-analysis of mechanism




悲傷情緒 ; 感知真實 ; 文本轉移 ; 向下比較 ; 後設情緒 ; sadness ; perceived reality ; transportation ; downward comparison ; meta-emotion












本研究主要關注對為何人們悲傷電影中獲得滿足感,特別是那些擁有悲慘結局的悲劇電影。因此,本研究將聚焦在,分別觀看好/壞結局的悲傷電影中,情緒如何由負向轉換為正向情緒,其心理機制是否有所差異。而本研究也將結合感知真實、文本轉移、社會比較以及情緒的後設評估等變項,目的在於為悲劇電影之觀影經驗建構一完整理論架構。 而本研究經過結構方程模型(SEM)分析後顯示,在壞結局的悲劇版本電影中,感知真實可以顯著的預測文本轉移之路徑;接著,文本轉移亦與向下比較、後設評估之路徑顯著;最後,後設評估與後設情緒(欣賞感)之路徑顯著。 另一方面,而在觀看好結局的悲傷電影中,結構方程模型(SEM)分析顯示,電影帶來的感知真實與文本轉移之路徑顯著,且文本轉移與欣賞感之路徑亦顯著。最後,本研究亦發現,對悲劇電影來說,情緒不會由負轉正,因為負向情緒與正向情緒是分別存在於兩獨立之情緒構面上。


This research mainly focuses on why people can feel gratified when watching a sad film especially that ends miserably. Thus, this research delivers deeper insights in processes of how negative emotions transforming negative emotions to positive emotions during the good/bad end version of sad-film exposure. This article also integrates perceived realism, transportation, downward comparison, and meta-emotion, for the purpose of creating a theoretical model of viewing experience during tragedy exposure. In the bad end version (tragedy), the results from SEM (structural equation modeling ) analyses shows that perceived realism of the movie is a positive predictor of transportation. Then, transportation is a positive predictor of downward comparison and meta-appraisals. Meta-appraisals, in turn, is a positive predictor of meta-emotion (appreciation) of tragedy. On the other hand, in the bad end version, the results from SEM analyses shows that perceived realism of the movie is a positive predictor of transportation. Then, transportation is a positive predictor of appreciation. At last, other findings in this article, that is, the negative emotion (sadness) can not be transformed into a positive meta-emotion. Because both negative and positive emotion are independently on the different emotional dimension.

主题分类 人文社會學院 > 傳播研究所
社會科學 > 傳播學
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