
師徒制對員工職涯高原的影響: 以員工工作滿意度和情緒耗竭為中介作用


Linking Mentoring to Career Plateau: The Mediating Roles of Job Satisfaction and Emotional Exhaustion




師徒制 ; 職業功能 ; 社會心理支持 ; 角色模範功能 ; 工作滿意度 ; 情緒耗竭 ; 職涯高原 ; Career mentoring ; Psychosocial mentoring ; Role mentoring ; Job satisfaction ; Emotional exhaustion ; Career plateau












本研究以工作要求-資源模型(Job Demands-Resources model)為理論依據,探討師徒功能(職業功能、社會心理支持、角色模範功能),工作滿意度,情緒耗竭,和職涯高原之間的關聯性,並進一步探討工作滿意度和情緒耗竭在師徒功能和職涯高原之間是否扮演中介角色。以問卷調查和採用階層回歸模型作為研究假設檢驗,針對362位徒弟(Protegé)進行問卷調查分析。研究結果發現師徒制中的職業功能、社會心理支持和角色模範功能扮演徒弟在工作滿意度的重要角色。此外,師父給予職業為主的教導和透過本身的模範功能可減低徒弟工作上的情緒耗竭。本研究也發現工作滿意度和情緒耗竭僅在師徒制中的職業功能和職涯高原之間有中介效果。此結果顯示當徒弟能夠獲得較高的工作滿意度和減少經驗情緒耗竭的機會當徒弟從師傅中得到較多職場上的知識和技能的教導,因此減低面臨職涯高原的可能性。本研究提供重要後續在師徒制和員工工作上相關福祉的研究建議。


The current study investigated the relationships among of the mentoring functions (career mentoring, psychosocial mentoring and role mentoring), job satisfaction, emotional exhaustion, and career plateau based upon the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) theory perspective. Specifically, I examined the mediating role of job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion, individually, on the relationship between mentoring functions and career plateau. The hierarchical regression model was used to test the hypotheses in a sample of 362 participants. The results found that the mentoring functions of career mentoring, psychosocial mentoring, and role modeling were positively related to job satisfaction. In addition to that, career mentoring and role modeling were found to be associated with emotional exhaustion. Only the relationship between career mentoring and career plateau was found to be mediated by job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion, which indicates that protégés who received more career-related guidance from their mentors would be more satisfied with their work and less likely to experience fatigue, thus decreasing the likelihood of experiencing career plateau. The findings provide important implications for future research on mentoring and employee work-related outcomes.

主题分类 管理學院 > 企業管理碩士學程
社會科學 > 管理學
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