
高雄市日間照顧機構家屬 照護需求與照護壓力關係之研究


A Study on the Relationship Between Family Care Needs and Care Pressure in Kaohsiung City Day Care Facility




日間照護 ; 照護需求 ; 照護壓力 ; day care ; care needs ; care pressure












摘要 本研究目的旨在探討不同背景之高雄市日照機構家屬照護需求 與照護壓力的差異情形與相互關係。採問卷調查法,以高雄市實際使 用日間照護服務的家屬為研究對象,進行橫斷式問卷調查,共獲有效 問卷364 份。資料經SPSS 處理分析後,依分析結果,得到以下五點 結論: 一、日照機構家屬的照護需求呈現中高程度,以可接受性表現較高, 可適應性較低。 二、日照機構家屬的照護壓力減輕知覺呈現中上程度,以個人情緒反 應表現較高,個人生活影響較低。 三、不同年齡與經濟狀況的日照機構家屬在照護需求上有顯著差異。 四、不同年齡與參與時間的日照機構家屬在照護壓力上有顯著差異。 五、日照機構家屬照護需求與照護壓力彼此之間為顯著正相關 最終,依據本研究之各項結論與發現,分別向日間照護制度及後 續研究提出多項建議。


Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the differences and correlations between the care needs and care pressures of family members using day care services in Kaohsiung City with different backgrounds. By questionnaire method, and a cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted on family members who actually used day care services in Kaohsiung City. A total of 364 valid questionnaires were obtained. After the data is processed and analyzed by SPSS, according to the analysis results, the following five conclusions are obtained. 1.Day care service users in Kaohsiung City’s care needs showed a medium to high level, with high acceptability and low adaptability. 2.Day care service users in Kaohsiung City’s perception of stress reduction in caregivers was moderate to high, and the performance of personal emotional response was higher, and the impact on personal life was lower. 3.There are significant differences in care needs among day care service users in Kaohsiung City of different ages and economic status. 4.There are significant differences in care stress among day care service users in Kaohsiung City of different ages and duration of participation. IV 5.There is a significant positive correlation between day care service users in Kaohsiung City’s care needs and care pressure Finally, based on the conclusions and findings of this research, a number of recommendations were made to day care system and follow-up researchs

主题分类 教育學院 > 成人教育研究所
社會科學 > 教育學
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