


A study of the relationship among workplace learning, job stress, self-efficacy, and job satisfaction in medical radiologists in Taiwan




醫事放射師 ; 職場學習 ; 工作壓力 ; 自我效能 ; 工作滿意 ; medical radiologist ; workplace learning ; job stress ; self-efficacy ; job satisfaction












本研究主要探討醫事放射師職場學習、工作壓力、自我效能與工作滿意的關聯性,分析不同背景之放射師,對四者之知覺情形。以問卷調查法進行實證資料之收集,自編「放射師工作滿意調查問卷」之、「放射師職場學習量表」、「放射師工作壓力量表」、「放射師自我效能量表」「放射師工作滿意量表」為工具,依地理區域,採分層隨機取樣方式,共計發出900份問卷,回收715份,有效回收率90.9%。資料以SPSS 20.0 for Windows進行統計分析,包括描述性統計、平均數差異檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、逐步多元迴歸分析,得到研究結論如下: 放射師職場學習之非正式學習得分最高,正規學習得分最低;放射師工作壓力之工作負荷得分最高,角色衝突得分最低;放射師自我效能之工作實踐度最高,挫折容忍度最低;放射師工作滿意之內在滿意得分最高,外在滿意得分最低。巳婚、放射師兼具臨床教師、中區之放射師職場學習感知較高;男性、年齡31-50歲、服務年資11-25年、放射診斷科與核子醫學科、北區與南區之放射師工作壓力感知較大;年齡51歲以上、巳婚、放射師兼臨床教師、服務年資26年以上、放射診斷、北區之放射師自我效能感知較高;女性、年齡51歲以上、服務年資26年以上、放射腫瘤科、中區之之放射師工作滿意感知較高。 根據上述結論,提出對醫療行政單位、醫院、放射師及後續研究的建議。


The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship in four variables of medical radiologists in Taiwan, including workplace learning, stress of job, self-efficacy and satisfaction of job that would measure the rating of the subjects with different background. The method of this study is carried out with self-made questionnaire ” Sense of job satisfaction survery that including four parts, “workplace learning for radiologists”, “job stress for radiologists “, ”self-efficacy for radiologists”, and ”job satisfaction for radiologists”. The subjects were selected by stratified random selection by geo-location and the scale of cities or counties. Overall, 900 questionnaires were issued and 715 valid samples were collected; the effective response rate was 90.9%. The following statistical methods were used in this study: t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Analysis, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as described below: For the workplace learning sample measures, the rating for the informal learning score was the highest and that for the formal learning score was the lowest. For the job stress sample measures, the rating for the loading of work score was the highest and the role conflict score was the lowest. For the self-efficacy sample measures, the rating for the practice of work score was the highest and the frustration tolerance of work score was the lowest. For the job satisfaction sample measures, the rating for the intrinsic satisfaction score was the highest and the external satisfaction score was the lowest. Subjects who were married and worked as either medical radiologists or clinical teachers in the Central District demonstrated higher workplace learning ratings than other samples. Higher job stress ratings were found among males who were 31-50 years old, had served for 11-25 years, and were from the Diagnostic Radiology Department or Nuclear Medicine Department in the North or South District than found in other samples. Higher self-efficacy ratings were found in married people who were older than 51 years of age, had served for over 26 years, and were from the Diagnostic Radiology Department in the North District. Females who were older than 51 years of age, had served for more than 26 years, and were from the Radiation Oncology Department in the Central District demonstrated higher job satisfaction ratings than other samples. According to the above conclusions, recommendations for medical administrative organizations, hospital, medical radiologists and future follow-up studies.

主题分类 教育學院 > 成人教育研究所
社會科學 > 教育學
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