


Study on the Impact of Manicure Environment of Working Place on Con-sumer Loyalty




美甲營業環境 ; 實體環境氣氛 ; 忠誠度 ; Manicure Environment of Working Place ; physical environment ; loyalty












學號: M10376001 論文名稱:美甲營業環境對於消費者忠誠度之影響研究-以高雄地區為例 總頁數: 107 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 所別:時尚設計與管理所 畢業時間及摘要別:104 學年度第二學期博(碩)士學位論文摘要 研究生: 傅美慧 指導教授:羅希哲教授、陳秀足副教授(技) 論文摘要內容 本研究旨在探討美甲產業對於消費者忠誠度影響之關係。其目的:一、探討高雄地區美甲產業消費者重視因素之現況。二、探討消費者認知美甲產業實體環境的影響因素為何 ? 三、探討實體環境、失驗期望、忠誠度等構面,對於美甲產業消費者認知滿意度之研究。本研究透過問卷調查法,發現消費者對於實體環境最在意的部分為服務專業品質與音樂,同時消費者會因為個人社會背景的不同而產生不同的忠誠度;在相關分析中可得知,實體環境、失驗期望與忠誠度之間存在著中度至高度相關性;迴歸分析後,得知實體環境對於忠誠度為直接相關,失驗-期望理論對於忠誠度為顯著相關,另外失驗期望對於實體環境與忠誠度為部分中介顯著差異,代表著實體環境(服務專業品質、音樂、燈光、溫度、周邊設計與價格)會直接影響消費者的忠誠度(推薦他人、價格容忍度、產品、服務品質)等,再者失驗期望(整體專業能力、周邊便利性)的優劣會影響間接影響消費者的忠誠度(推薦他人、價格容忍度、產品、服務品質),因此在美甲產業環境中,服務人員需要技術外,更要有專業服務的品質與過程,讓消費者享受與體驗當下的服務,且未來業者倘若能增加店內的實體環境氣氛或提高室內外的裝潢設計,能促使業者與消費者之間的信任與提高滿意度因此讓店家永續經營。 關鍵詞: 美甲營業環境、實體環境氣氛、忠誠度


Student ID: M10376001 Title: Study on the Impact of Manicure Environment of Working Place on Consumer Loyalty Total Page: 107 School: National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Department: Department of Fashion Design and Management Graduation time and type of abstract: Abstract of a master’s or doctoral thesis of the second semester of 2015 Graduate student: Mei-hui Fu Advisor: Professor Shi-jer Lou, Associate Pro-fessor Hsiu-tsu Chen This study aimed to investigate the impact of manicure industry en-vironment on consumer loyalty. Its purposes include: 1) To investigate the status quo of the manicure industry environment in Kaohsiung; 2) to investigate the key factors of manicure industry environment emphasized by consumers; 3) to investigate the differences of loyalty for manicure industry among consumers with different background variables; 4) to in-vestigate whether Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory has a significant impact on the industry environment and the loyalty. Through a question-naire, this study has found that consumers are most concerned about the professional service and music in terms of the industry environment. Meanwhile, consumers may have different degree of loyalty due to their different social backgrounds. From correlation analysis, it has been found that there are moderate to high correlation among the physical environ-ment, expectations and disconfirmation, and loyalty. After regression analysis, it can be seen that the physical environment is directly related to the degree of loyalty. Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory has signifi-cantly correlation with loyalty. In addition, expectations and disconfirma-tion have practical and intermediary differences between the physical en-vironment and loyalty, indicating that the physical environment (profes-sional quality of services, music, lighting, temperature, surrounding de-sign, and pricing) has a directly effect on consumer loyalty (recommend-ing to others, tolerance of price, product, and quality of service). Fur-thermore, disconfirmation and expectations (overall professional compe-tence, surrounding convenience) has an indirect effect on consumer loyal-ty (recommending to others, tolerance of price, product, quality of ser-vice). Therefore, as of manicure industry environment, the sustainable development of a store requires not only the skills of staff, but also the quality and process of professional services so that consumers can enjoy the services. Keywords: Manicure Environment of Working Place, physical environ-ment, loyalty

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
管理學院 > 時尚設計與管理系所
社會科學 > 管理學
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