


A study of traffic safety in school areas – Case of Management College in NPUST




校園交通安全 ; 路口安全 ; 山脊迴歸 ; campus traffic safety ; intersection safety ; ridge regression














The main campus of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) is so big that the majority of students go to school by motorcycles. Therefore, there are more than one hundred traffic accidents occurred in the campus each year from 2011. Thus decreasing the frequency of traffic accidents in the main campus is an important issue for NPUST. Since the main discrepancy of riding environments in campuses from the regular one is the traffic signs in each type of intersections, this research is to study the accidents frequency related to riding behaviors of students in each type of intersections. First, we survey the students in the department of industrial management (IE) to find out four major riding routines from the school gate of NPUST to its management school building; and categorize a day as the rush hour and the regular hour. Then, we collect the data about the frequency of traffic accidents happening in those four routines from 102 to 104 school years and the riding times of each those four routines by forty IE students for both rush hour and regular hour. Using the data from 102-1 to 103-1 school years we conclude that in which types of intersections students slow down but the accident rates increase; in which types students accelerate and the accident rates increase. These two types of intersection are called dangerous types for riders in campus. Through the above conclusion we can provide a proper strategy to reducing the accident rate for each of two dangerous types. Finally, we use the data from 103-2 to 104-2 school years to verify our conclusion for each of two dangerous types.

主题分类 管理學院 > 工業管理系所
工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 管理學
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