


Application Computer-Aided Engineering of to Model Verification and Noise Diagnosis for a Rotary Compressor




迴轉式壓縮機 ; 模型驗證 ; 電腦輔助工程分析 ; 噪音診斷 ; Rotary Compressor ; Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) ; Model Verification (MV) ; Noise Diagnosis












壓縮機之噪音改善傳統做法常以收受端的實驗量測方式進行噪音診斷,比對壓縮機振動與噪音線性頻譜與1/3八音頻譜找出特定噪音貢獻頻帶,接著對壓縮機進行拆解,逐一確認壓縮機次系統之振動特性找出可能異音零件,進行設計變更作測試。電腦輔助工程分析(CAE)已經廣泛採用取代傳統的試誤法,以輔助產品的設計模擬分析與響應預測。 本論文為對迴轉式壓縮機之分析模型進行模型驗證以確認分析模型的可靠度,透過分析模型觀察壓縮機內部結構之振動特性找出壓縮機產生異音的可能零件,以輔助壓縮機之噪音診斷。迴轉式壓縮機由多個次系統組成,本研究將分別以CAE軟體建構其有限元素模型,並進行理論模態分析(TMA);也分別由實驗模態分析(EMA)與CAE理論分析執行模型驗證的程序,透過比較由EMA及TMA分別求得的結構模態參數,可以據以更新確認分析模型的系統參數,如零件的材料性質及接觸介面設定等。結果顯示,每一個次系統及整體的壓縮機系統模型,由觀察比較結構系統的自然頻率及模態振型有合理的對應,可以達到模型驗證的目的。藉由壓縮機有限元素分析模型可幫助觀察內部結構的振動特性,找出可能異音來源輔助噪音診斷,最後發展迴轉式壓縮機虛擬測試,達到縮短開發時程、降低開發成本之目的。


Compressor noise improvement is conventionally carried out by measuring system output response, so-called the receiver test (R-Test), to diagnosis the noise problem. The noise and vibration linear spectrum and one-third octave band spectrum are examined to find the critical bands of noise source. The compressor can be decomposed to different sub-system levels to study component’s vibration so as to identify critical parts for structural modification in the resolution of noise concern. Computer aided engineering (CAE) has been widely adopted instead of the conventional trial-and-error method in assisting product design simulation and response prediction analysis. This work aims to develop analytical model of the rotary compressor and perform model verification (MV) to ensure the correctness of analytical model. By observing the compressor’s vibration modal characteristics, in particular for the internal components, the analytical model can help on noise diagnosis for the compressor. The rotary compressor is composed of several sub-systems that are, respectively, constructed for their finite element (FE) models and performed theoretical modal analysis (TMA). Both experimental modal analysis (EMA) and CAE are, respectively, conducted to perform MV procedure by comparing structural modal parameters Obtained from EMA and TMA and updating system model parameters, such as material properties and contact interface setup. Results show the compressor system model from each sub-system up to the assembly models can be well calibrated with reasonable agreement on system’s natural frequencies and mode shapes, and so forth MV can be complete. The FE model of rotary compressor can be applied to visualize vibration characteristics of internal parts and assist on finding unwanted noise sources. The virtual testing (VT) of rotary compressor is well established and can reduce the time and cost in product development.

主题分类 工學院 > 機械工程系所
工程學 > 機械工程
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