Due to the rapid economic growth in Taiwan, municipal solid wastes are also increased . But with the implementation of the policy to decrease the amount of wastes .As municipal solid wastes are burned into ashes, the space for disposal is needed. However, due to the insufficiency of disposal space,this study is conducted to turn the ashes non-toxic. This experiment is designed to reduce the high conductive waste water caused by the non-toxic treatment in a method of physics.
The results show that a large amount of chlorine ions and heavy metals are dissolved in water after the ashes are washed. This results in high conductivity water. Both of zinc acrylate and zinc acrylate carbon composite material can remove the conductivity of washing liquid for ashes. Zinc acrylate performs better than the other.
The conductivity decreases from 179.5 to 119.6 ms/cm when using zinc acrylate. For the washing liquid for ashes, the chloride concentration was decreased from 102805.0 ppm to 38995.0 ppm. The experiment of calcium aluminum hydrotalcite synthesis to synthesize different proportions, the most successful synthesis ratio of calcium aluminum ratio of 2 to 1. According to the previous experiment, this ratio is most successful. The chlorine ion concentration in washing liquid for ashes was decreases from 39987.6 ppm to 10635.0 ppm.
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