


Model Verification and Impact Simulation of Hybrid Wiper Blade




複合型雨刷 ; 有限元素分析(FEA) ; 實驗模態分析(EMA) ; 基準案例探討 ; 碰撞模擬 ; hybrid wiper ; finite element analysis (FEA) ; experimental modal analysis (EMA) ; benchmark study ; impact simulation














Wipers are one of important components in vehicles for cleaning the raindrop or dust on the windshield to ensure the driver having the clear visual sight. The inspection of wiper quality is one of the critical issues, especially for the impact test in which the wiper may not exceed the defined plastic deformation. This work aims to study the hybrid type of wiper by using computer aided engineering (CAE) technique to simulate the wiper impact so as to predict the possible plastic deformation and stress concentration. The hybrid wiper structure is composed of many components. The material mechanical properties are needed for simulation. This work applies finite element analysis (FEA) and experimental modal analysis (EMA) to perform model verification on each component and calibrate the structural material parameters. The assembly of hybrid wiper structures can also be validated to obtain the equivalent FE model. In addition, based on the system block diagram the system input, geometry, material, boundary and contact interface are systematically analyzed by performing a series of benchmark studies to plan the analysis setup for ensuring reasonable simulation. The simplified wiper structure is constructed to study the impact for both the free fall and rotating contact, respectively, as well as the wiper contact force distribution along the curve base boundary. The established analytical techniques in simulating the wiper impact can be adopted for different types of wipers and cut down the development cost.

主题分类 工學院 > 機械工程系所
工程學 > 機械工程
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