In order to establish the suspension cells that have the good ability in differentiation, we evaluated effects of the cultivate method of test plant, plant age, organ explants, callus source and the composition of plant growth regulator on callus induction, somatic embryogenesis, suspension cell proliferation and cell cluster differentiation. The seeds, Solanum lycopersicum cv. Known-You 933, cultivated in the pot or in vitro. 8, 22, 43-day-old plants after germination offered as the test plants. Hypocotyl and radicle of 8-day-old plants, the upper, middle and basal section of the stem and the root section of 22, 43-day-old plants offered as explants. In order to compare the effect of the cultivate method of test plant, plant age and organ explants on callus induction. The above-mentioned explants cultured on CS-1 medium containing 2 mg/l NAA and 4 mg/l Kinetin for 22 days. 43-day-old plants in vitro had the best result in callus formation rate. Callus formation rate of the upper, middle and basal section of stem were 98%, 96% and 90%, and the fresh weight of callus per explant were 0.314 g, 0.543 g and 0.207 g. compared the somatic embryogenesis rate of callus induced from the explants of the different age of plant. 0.02 g and 0.03 g fresh weight of callus offered as the explants, cultured on CS-1 solid medium containing 10 mg/l NAA or 0.5 mg/l IAA and 3.5 mg/l BA respectively. The result indicated that callus induced from 43-day-old-plant cultured on 0.5 mg/l NAA and 3.5 mg/l BA was the best in somatic embryogenesis. Somatic embryogenesis rate of the upper, middle and basal section of stem were 82.2%, 93.18% and 100%; the numbers of somatic embryo per explant were 1.42, 2.93 and 3.37. In comparison of the suspension cell number and cell proliferation rate among the callus induced from each explant of the different age of plants. Callus induced from the middle fragment of 43-day-old plants showed the best result in the number of suspension cell, which about 5.23×106 cells per gram callus, the proliferation rate of cell was the best, too. The cell proliferation rate in primary culture, the first subculture and the second subculture were 319%, 716.7% and 503.3%. Compared the differentiation rate of cell cluster differentiated from the suspension cells among the callus induced from each explant of the different age of plants. The suspension cells suspended from the callus induced from the basal fragment of stem of 43-day-old plants was the best, which differentiated 480 cell clusters per milliliter medium. Summarize the above-mentioned, the results indicated that the plant age and organ explants had a great influence on induction of callus and suspension cells that had the good ability in differentiation, that is, the mature plants were better than the young. In this study, it’s found that (1) In somatic embryogenesis, callus induced from the basal fragments of stem of 43-day-old plants in vitro offered as the explants, and cultured on CS-1 medium containing 0.5 mg/l IAA and 3.5 mg/l BA for 14 days. It could induced the somatic embryos directly, which about 91.8% in the rate of somatic embryogenesis. (2) In subculture of suspension cell and differentiation of cell cluster, the suspension cells cultured in CS-1 liquid medium containing 5 mg/l NAA, the cell proliferation rate in subculture was 2.1-6.1 times. While the suspension cells cultured in CSW-1 liquid medium containing 15 mg/l NAA could differentiated 450 cell clusters per milliliter medium.
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