本研究主要為分析465PH不銹鋼,設計成10種不同花紋造型之高爾夫球球頭打擊面,探討其對特徵時間(Characteristic Time, CT)之影響,另外不同造型花紋之球頭,同時經由打擊面厚度的變化,探討是否對CT造成影響。本研究運用簡單線性迴歸模式,了解其相關因素與未來設計關鍵,分析的結果內容如下:
1. 球頭在經過研磨後,左邊測點及中間測點CT值都有上升的趨勢,僅右邊之測點CT值沒有上升,反而下降。
2. 球頭打擊面中心點的厚度研磨0.1mm後,與其CT值變化量呈現顯著的相關性(p=0.008)。
3. 花紋造型為水平造型時,此特徵和其他造型相比下,會與球頭打擊面左邊測點之CT值與CT變化量呈現顯著的相關(p=0.004, p=0.004)。花紋造型為直條狀時,此特徵和其他造型相比下,中心測點之CT值有顯著的相關(p=0.008)。
This study analyzed the 465 Stainless steel which was designed into 10 different golf striking face skins, and investigated the effects between the skins and Characteristic Time (CT). In addition, the 10 different golf striking surface were also grinded to decrease the striking face of thickness and investigated weather effect on CT. In this study, a simple linear regression model was used to understand the factor associated the future design of the key results. The results of the analysis were as follows:
1. After grinding, the CT of left and middle measuring point existed the rising trend, only the CT of right side of the measuring point did not rise, but declined.
2. After grinding 0.1mm, the thickness of middle measuring point presents significant correlation (p = 0.008) with CT variation.
3. Horizontal pattern existed significant correlation with CT and CT variation (p = 0.004, p = 0.004) which was compared with other skins. Straight pattern existed significant correlation with the middle measuring point of CT (p = 0.008) which was compared with other skins.