A duplex-phase stainless steel has been developed for the forged Golf- head Club. The composition has been designed as the alloy contained with Cr, Ni, Mn, and Nb alloy elements being in range of 20.0±1.0wt.%, 4.5±0.5wt.%, 0.7±0.3wt.%, and 0.8±0.2wt.%, respectively. Being hot-forged and heated-treatment, the microstructure of these alloys are essential the ferrite matrix with (25~38)% austenite. Some results are described as following:
The UTS, YS, and elongation and hardness of the as-forged Fe-20.1%Cr- 4.53%Ni-0.90%Mn-0.40%Si-0.08%C alloy are 944MPa, 368MPa, 19.8% and HRc17.5, respectively. Being at 550℃~1050℃annealed for various times, the UTS, YS, and elongation and hardness of these alloy arein the range of 866~ 980MPa, 364~789MPa, 11.9~33.0% and HRc11~26, respectively. The UTS, YS, and elongation and hardness of the as-forged Fe-20.3%Cr-4.34%Ni- 0.81%Mn-0.56%Si-0.04%C-0.88Nb alloy are 954MP, 367MPa, 21.6% and HRc18.5, respectively. Being at 550℃~1050℃annealed for various times, the UTS, YS, and elongation and hardness of these alloy arein the range of 861~994MPa, 367~785MPa, 12.7~33.4% and HRc10~27, respectively. The optimum heated treatment condiotion is annealed at 1050℃ for 30min, resulting to the present alloys possess the best mechanical property, meanwhile , the present alloys also possess the property for adjusted easily and rust hard.
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