


A Study of English Majors’ Expectations, Experiences and Perceptions towards Internship in the Hotel Industry




英語系學生 ; 餐旅服務業 ; 實習 ; 課程 ; English majors ; hospitality industry ; internship ; curriculum












現今教育部與許多的大專院校鼓勵學生們參加校外實習,希望藉由實習讓學生們學習到實用的技巧、增加工作經驗、瞭解工作環境並找出自己的興趣。英語是個國際性的語言,並且在許多領域也有著不可或缺的重要性,人們意識到各項產業對於英語的需求,因此,英語能力的要求已迅速地提升。在台灣,英語能力對於在職場上的升遷是個關鍵,對從事餐旅服務業者而言亦是如此。優秀的英語能力能夠幫助員工們建立自信心、提升服務品質,也能幫助他們有效地與說英語的顧客們溝通。 對於飯店業而言,服務的對象不只是本地的顧客,也有說英語的顧客們,因此提升服務品質是必要的。飯店業的員工服務本地的顧客也許不會有太大的問題,但若要與說英語的顧客們溝通並瞭解他們的需求,則會是一種壓力。英語系學生都具備有語言能力,所以在飯店業實習便越來越常見。 本研究採用質性與量化研究方法調查英語系學生們在飯店業實習的期望、經驗與想法,更進一步瞭解實習生們對於科技大學英語系的課程有何建議。透過訪談及問卷進行資料收集,調查發現,實習生們在飯店業實習的主要期望為:加強溝通能力與互動技巧、學習到與職場相關的工作技能以及累積工作經驗。實習生們認為,實習的經驗幫助他們學習到溝通與互動技巧、增強思考與問題解決的能力、以正面的態度面對工作及改善自己的口條。然而,實習生們在一開始並不熟悉工作環境也無法處理好自己的職務,透過尋求同事的幫忙與私下的練習,他們逐漸地克服這些困難。實習生們認為參加飯店業實習對於英語系學生而言沒有什麼重要性,但這是個能讓自己找出工作興趣及提前適應工作環境的好機會。實習生們也提供一些建議,希望對於英語系的課程及實習計畫能有所助益。實習生們建議英語系應給予新生能力分班測驗、加強訓練學生們的英語口說與聽力技巧、鼓勵英語系的老師們使用全英語授課、開設飯店英文與飯店日文的課程及要求英語系的學生們達到畢業門檻多益七百分。


Nowadays, the Taiwan Ministry of Education (MOE) and colleges are encouraging students to participate in the internship program. It is believed that the internship program can help students to earn practical skills, gain work experiences, realize the work environment and find out their interest. Since English has become an international language and gradually dominated in many areas, the need of English is rapidly increasing, and people are getting more and more aware of its importance for every industry. English ability is crucial in the promotion of the employment rate and the improvement of the hospitality industry in Taiwan. Decent English ability helps build up employees’ confidence, and enhance their serving quality when they need to communicate with English-speaking customers efficiently. In the hotel industry, enhancing serving quality is very essential because it concerns serving not only the local customers but also English-speaking people. Hotel employees may have fewer problems serving the local customers, but serving English-speaking people could be stressful. They need to communicate in English to understand what the customers require. English majors are equipped with the language ability, so receiving internship in the hotel industry is becoming common. This study was conducted through quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate English majors’ expectations, experiences and perceptions towards internship in the hotel industry. It also aims to reveal the interns’ suggestions to modify the curriculum of the English departments in technological universities. The data was collected through focus group with semi-structured interview and questionnaire survey. According to the interns’ responses, their main expectations are to strengthen their communication and interaction skills, learn relevant workplace skills and gain work experience. After finishing their internship, they thought internship helped them to learn interaction and communication skills, strengthen their problem-solving and thinking ability, have right attitude towards job and improve personal articulation. However, the interns were not familiar with the work environment and did not handle their duty well at the beginning. By asking colleagues’ help and practice after work, they can gradually overcome the difficulties. The interns thought having internship in the hotel industry is not important to English majors, but it is a good opportunity for them to test job interest and adapt to the work environment beforehand. As to improving the English department’s curriculum and internship program, the interns suggested that English department should give a placement test to freshmen, focus on train students’ English speaking and listening skills, encourage teachers of English department to use only English as the medium of instruction, include more courses such as hotel English or hotel Japanese and require English majors to reach 700 points on the TOEIC certificate as the graduation criteria.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文暨社會科學院 > 應用外語系所
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