


Modulation of Gynura Bicolor Water Extract on the Blood Lipid in Syrian Hamsters






紅鳳菜 ; 血脂質 ; 倉鼠 ; Gynura bicolor ; blood lipid ; hamsters












中文摘要 紅鳳菜(Gynura bicolor)是台灣常見的食用蔬菜,根據文獻指出紅鳳菜具有多項生理療效,唯其對脂質代謝部份之研究較為缺乏。本研究之目的在探討紅鳳菜水萃取物(Gynura bicolor water extract, GBWE)對於食用高脂肪飲食之雄性倉鼠體內血脂質組成及其代謝的影響。 本實驗將4週齡雄性倉鼠(Syrian Hamster)依體重進行隨機分組,共分成五組:正常飲食(Normal Diet, ND)對照組(5%大豆油),高脂肪、高膽固醇飲食(High Fat Diet, HFD)對照組(20 %大豆油,0.5%膽固醇),Probucol(30 mg/kg BW)處理組,高脂肪、高膽固醇飲食並餵食0.4 g/kg BW之GBWE或0.8 g/kg BW之GBWE為低、高劑量實驗組,進行4、8與12週試驗。本實驗之倉鼠分別於飼養第4、8與12週後犧牲,採集血液與不同臟器之樣品進行樣品蒐集與分析。結果顯示,各實驗組倉鼠在餵食4、8與12週後,高脂飲食試驗組之相對肝臟重量,皆顯著高於正常飲食組;餵食12週後,肝臟組織切片亦證實GBWE處理組有明顯改善因HFD所造成的肝臟組織病變。當倉鼠以0.4或0.8 g/kg BW之GBWE餵食8及12週後,其血清中總膽固醇﹙total cholesterol﹚與低密度脂蛋白﹙Low-density lipoprotein, LDL﹚含量皆顯著低於僅食用HFD組(P<0.05);飼養12週後GBWE處理組之血清中高密度脂蛋白﹙High-density lipoprotein, HDL﹚含量與HFD組比較,雖無顯著差異,但高密度脂蛋白/總膽固醇比值﹙HDL-C/TC ratio﹚皆顯著高於僅食用HFD組(P<0.05)。本研究更進一步探討GBWE對於調節肝臟中抗氧化分子及脂質過氧化程度之影響。由實驗結果發現飼養12週後,0.4及0.8 g/kg BW GBWE組之氧化態麩胱甘肽﹙oxidatived glutathione, GSSG﹚濃度分別較HFD組顯著降低31.3 %與37.5 %;並且,其麩胱甘肽/氧化態麩胱甘肽比值﹙GSH/GSSG ratio﹚明顯高於HFD組(P<0.05)。另外,觀察到0.4及0.8 g/kg BW GBWE組於飼養12週後,其TBARS濃度分別明顯低於HFD組42.9 %與32.1 %。 本實驗再利用西方墨點法(Western blot assay)分析飼養12週後倉鼠肝臟中HMG-CoA還原酶﹙HMG-CoA reductase﹚、乙醯–輔酶A:膽固醇乙醯轉移酶(acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase, ACAT)與卵磷脂–膽固醇乙醯轉移酶(Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase, LCAT)之蛋白質表現,發現各實驗組倉鼠之HMG-CoA reductase與ACAT蛋白質之含量與正常飲食﹙ND﹚組均無顯著性差異,而食用GBWE的LCAT蛋白質表現明顯高於其他組別。 另外,本研究亦將GBWE所含之酚類化合物與倉鼠生理、生化檢驗結果進行相關性分析,證實GBWE中所含的多酚類(polyphenol)、花青素(anthocyanidin)皆與LCAT、GSH/GSSG ratio及HDL/TC ratio呈正相關。 綜觀上述結果可知,GBWE確可調節肝臟中抗氧化酵素系統之活性、降低脂質過氧化程度及降低血清總膽固醇、LDL濃度,推測其作用機制可能是紅鳳菜水萃取物含有酚類化合物,能增加倉鼠肝臟中的LCAT蛋白質的表現,使HDL上的酯化膽固醇明顯增加,LDL-C含量減少,進而調控脂蛋白的代謝。 關鍵字: 紅鳳菜、血脂質、倉鼠


Abstract Gynura bicolor is one of the common edible vegetables in Taiwan. Many researches related to its physiological activities has been reported, but very little information about its hypolipidemic study can been found. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Gynura bicolor water extract  GBWE  on lipid metabolism of hamsters fed a high fat diet. Male hamsters ( 4 weeks ) were randomly divided into five groups:normal diet (Normal Diet, ND) group ( 5% soybean Oil ) ; high fat diet (HFD) group ( 20% soybean Oil, 0.5% cholesterol) ; Probucol(30 mg/kg BW)experimental groups ; HFD supplemented with 0.4 g/kg BW or 0.8 g/kg BW GBWE as low and high dosage experimental groups. The experimental period, hamsters were sacrificed after 4, 8 and 12 weeks, collected of blood samples and the different organs sample for analysis. The results revealed the relative liver weights of the experimental groups were significantly higher than the ND group on 4, 8 and 12 weeks ; The examination of hepatic biopsy showed GBWE experimental groups would improved the pathogenesis of hepatic tissues from HFD. The levels of serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol in groups supplemented with 0.4 g/kg BW or 0.8 g/kg BW GBWE were significantly lower than that of HFD group(P<0.05)on 8 and 12 weeks ; experimental groups were not significantly different when compared with the ND group on 4 weeks ; The GBWE experimental groups were not significantly different when compared with the HFD group, but the HDL-C/TC ratio were significantly higher than in the HFD group(P<0.05)on 12 weeks. The effect of GBWE can modulation of the hepatic oxidation enzyme system and hepatic lipid peroxidation, the contents of GSSG in groups supplemented with 0.4 g/kg BW or 0.8 g/kg BW GBWE were significantly lower, by 31.3 % and 37.5 %,respectively, than that of HFD group(P<0.05)on 12 weeks. The GSH/GSSG ratio were significantly higher in the groups supplemented with GBWE than in the HFD group. The TBARS level in the liver tissues, was significantly lower in the 0.4及0.8 g/kg BW GBWE experimental group than HFD group by 42.9 % and 32.1 %。 The expression of HMG-CoA reductase, ACAT and LCAT were determined by Western blotting analysis, they showed no significant difference in the expression of hepatic HMG-CoA reductase and acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) protein between the experimental groups and the ND group on 12 weeks. The expression of hepatic LCAT protein in groups supplemented with GBWE were significantly higher than other groups(P<0.05). The correlation analysis between physiological, biochemistry examination and antioxidant of GBWE for 12 weeks, these results demonstrated that shown positive correlation between polyphenol、anthocyanidin of GBWE with LCAT, GSH/GSSG ratio and HDL/TC ratio. In conclusion, GBWE can modulation of the hepatic oxidation enzyme system, reduces the hepatic lipid peroxidation and the levels of serum total cholesterol and LDL-C, the mechanism may be is the phenolic compounds of GBWE, can increased the expression of hepatic LCAT protein, significantly increased esterifying cholesterol of HDL, decreased the levels of LDL-C, so modulation of lipoprotein metabolism. Key words: Gynura bicolor, blood lipid , hamsters

主题分类 農學院 > 食品科學系所
工程學 > 化學工業
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