


The Exploration of Critical Influencing Factors on the Teaching Quality of Physical Education Curriculum of Junior High School






重要度績效分析法(IPA) ; 國中體育課 ; 教學品質 ; Importance-performance analysis (IPA) ; junior high school physical education class ; teaching quality












本研究旨在探討國中生對於體育課程教學品質之影響因素,以重要度績效分析法(IPA)了解現況。針對屏東縣20所國中學生進行研究調查,研究共發放為500份問卷,有效問卷為417份,問卷回收率為90.1%,再將研究問卷資料統整與歸納後,使用SPSS 18.0統計軟體中獨立樣本t檢定(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)及重要度績效分析法(IPA)進行分析。經結果顯示(一)國中學生對於體育課有較高的重視程度,滿意程度並不高;(二)男生對於體育課教學品質之滿意程度顯著高於女生;(三)低年級學生對於體育課之「教學表現」、「專業能力」、「資源運用」、「教學評量」及「師生互動」方面,皆顯著高於高年級學生;(四)體育課之「老師對運動規則或體育常識詳盡解說的表現」、「老師安排學生比賽,讓同學體驗比賽情境的表現」、「學校提供的上課場地環境」、「學校提供的上課場地空間」、「學校提供的上課器材品質」、「老師以溫和的態度與學生溝通的情形」及「老師對運動表現不佳的學生給予鼓勵的表現」,共七項因素為影響體育課教學品質之關鍵。故本研究發現影響國中學生體育課教學品質因素為「教學表現」、「專業能力」、「資源運用」及「師生互動」方面,尤其需特別加強學校體育運動環境與設備,並積極提出改善方針,以提升體育教學品質。


In this study, we used importance-performance analysis (IPA) to explore key factors that affect teaching quality of physical education classes for junior high school students. Research survey was conducted on students from 20 Pingtung County junior high schools, a total of 500 surveys were issued and 417 valid questionnaires recovered, for a recovery rate of 90.1%, after the survey, data has been organized and compiled, independent sample t-test, One-Way ANOVA, and IPA in SPSS 18.0 statistical software were used for analysis. The results show the following: (1) Junior high school students place higher importance on physical education class but do not have a high satisfaction level; (2) boys have a significantly higher satisfaction level towards physical education classes than girls; (3) lower grade students have a significant higher perception of “teaching performance,” “professional ability,” “resource utilization,” “teaching assessment,” and “student-teacher interaction” dimensions in physical education classes than higher level students; and (4) seven key factors affect the teaching quality of physical education classes “the quality of the teacher’s explanation of sports rules and physical education knowledge”, “the quality of teacher’s arrangement of student competitions, allowing students to experience the competition scenario”, “the class location and environment the school provides, the space for class the school provides”, “the quality of the class materials the school provides”, “the teacher’s gentle attitude and communication with students”, and “the encouragement that teachers give to students with poor performance”. We found that “teaching performance”, “professional ability”, “resource utilization”, and “student-teacher interaction” affects the teaching quality of physical education classes for junior high school students. The school’s physical education /sports environment and equipment must be improved, and still needed to provides improvement directions for improving the teaching quality of physical education classes.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
人文暨社會科學院 > 休閒運動健康系所
社會科學 > 體育學
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