


The Effectiveness of Quizlet Based Learning to Plant Identification in Vocational High School






Quizlet ; 植物識別實習 ; 行動學習 ; 遊戲式學習 ; 差異化教學 ; Quizlet ; plant identification ; mobile learning ; game-based learning ; differentiated instruction












無線網路和智慧型手機的普及,使行動學習有進一步的發展;遊戲化學習能提供學習的鷹架,讓學習者在愉悅的氣氛下逐步達成目標。設計良好的APP能同時擁有行動學習和遊戲化學習的優點,本研究將Quizlet融入植物識別實習,並探究其成效。 本研究採不等組前後測的準實驗研究法,研究對象為屏東縣某偏鄉技術型農業高中三年級的43名學生,分成實驗組和對照組,每週施行實驗80分鐘。實驗組、對照組同樣進行傳統教學3週後,再分別進行Quizlet融入教學、傳統教學的實驗處理,為時4週。本研究以植物識別學習成效測驗、延遲測驗、擴充測驗、課程知覺問卷調查、Quizlet之感想報告、軼事記錄表為研究工具。經統計分析,本研究之主要發現如下: 壹、 Quizlet融入植物識別實習,能提升學習者的學習成效。 貳、 Quizlet融入植物識別實習,能增加學習者的學習保留。 參、 Quizlet融入植物識別實習,能讓學習者的近遷移有較好的表現,但情境差異較大的遠遷移,則無顯著差異。 肆、 Quizlet融入植物識別實習,能增加學習者的學習動機。 伍、 Quizlet融入植物識別實習,能提升學習者的後設認知能力。 陸、 Quizlet被學習者認為是有用、易用且有趣的。 柒、 Quizlet融入植物識別實習,被學習者認為是適合且受到喜愛的。 捌、 Quizlet是優良的差異化教學的工具,並能為課堂氣氛、師生關係帶來正向的變化。 由以上結果可知,Quizlet融入植物識別實習是可行且成效顯著的,建議現場老師將其融入課程,利用Quizlet多樣化的學習模式,使課程更加活潑生動且符合學生需求。 關鍵字:Quizlet、植物識別實習、行動學習、遊戲式學習、差異化教學


The popularity of wireless networks and smartphones has enabled advanced development of mobile learning. Gamification provides a scaffold for learning, allowing learners to gradually achieve their goals in a pleasant atmosphere. A well-designed app has the advantages of both mobile learning and gamified learning. This study integrates Quizlet into plant identification practice and explores its effect. This study adopts a quasi-experimental research method in nonequivalent pretest-posttest design. The subjects are 43 students in the third grade of a rural technical agricultural high school in Pingtung County, divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experiment was performed for 80 minutes each week. The experimental group and the control group were subjected to traditional teaching for 3 weeks, and then subjected to Quizlet integrated teaching and traditional teaching, respectively, for 4 weeks. This study used plant identification learning effectiveness tests, delayed tests, extended tests, course perception questionnaires, Quizlet review reports, and anecdotal record sheets as the research tools. After statistical analysis, the main findings of this study are as follows: 1.The integration of Quizlet into the plant identification practice improves learning effectiveness. 2.The integration of Quizlet into the plant identification practice increases learning retention. 3.The integration of Quizlet into the plant identification practice makes learners perform better in near transfer, but there is no significant difference in far transfer with larger situational differences. 4.The integration of Quizlet into the plant identification practice increases learners’ motivation to learn. 5.The integration of Quizlet into the plant identification practice improves learners’ metacognition. 6.Quizlet is considered useful, easy to use, and interesting by learners. 7.The integration of Quizlet into the plant identification practice is considered suitable and loved by learners. 8.Quizlet is an excellent tool for differentiated teaching and can bring positive changes to the classroom atmosphere and teacher-student relationship. From the above results, it can be observed that the integration of Quizlet into plant identification practice is feasible and effective. It is recommended that the on-site teachers integrate Quizlet into the curriculum and use its diversified learning modes to make the courses livelier and thus meet the students’ needs. Key words: Quizlet, plant identification, mobile learning, game-based learning, differentiated instruction

主题分类 人文暨社會科學院 > 技職教育研究所
社會科學 > 教育學
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