


Documentary Photography for Taichung Elevated Railway




臺中車站 ; 道德經 ; 紀實攝影 ; 隱喻 ; Taichung Railway Station ; Dao De Jing ; Documentary photography ; metaphor












臺中車站從日治時期迄今已超過一個世紀,隨著臺中都會區鐵路高架工程第一階段落成,臺中車站新站啟用,百歲舊站也將卸下任務,轉型為鐵道博物館;城市發展也將不再因鐵路阻礙發展與對立。然而鐵道無論是地面鐵道還是高架化鐵道,依舊上演著你我熟悉、習慣的進行曲,聚與散的車站,就如同滿載「感傷」的容器般,蘊含了人生的酸甜苦辣,而這當下未來的進行式,也是曾在的過去式;或許有幾分眷戀,以及一股莫名的觸動,這正是激發創作的動力。 車站往來的遊子、過客,人與人、時間與空間…等等,這彷彿透露著老子的宇宙間的正負能量,因而筆者藉由中國道家的美學與思維,訴說臺中鐵路的新舊接替與攝影創作影像中的「隱喻」,透過鏡頭捕捉當下的外象形態與內在的思維傳達。也透過「道德經」中的反義詞作為影像的基本構圖,表現虛實、有無等,雖對立卻不矛盾。以「自然、赤子、樸實、無名」的概念為攝影立場,由「動」、「靜」,「逝」、「遠」而「反」的歸返自然歷程,自然呈現人與車站間的存在哲學。 臺中鐵路高架化紀實攝影創作,融入老子的自然哲學,在創作中呈現最平實、貼近現實生活的現象百態,以自然和諧的精神,而非禪意深奧的意象作做表現。作品意在使觀者透過作品,從中感受老子,一種接近於道德經的哲學思想,也是呈現古老的東方智慧到現代攝影美學—圓融之美。


Over a century has passed since Taichung Railway Station was erected during the Japanese colonial era. Along with the Phase One completion of the Taichung Metropolitan Railway Elevation Project and the opening of a new station, this century-strong station will soon retire and transform into a railway museum. Meanwhile, Taichung's urban development will no longer be hindered and polarized by a dissecting railway. The ever-familiar and customary scenes, however, will continue to play out at the station, whether it is at-grade or overhead. The station, a vessel filled with "sorrows" and a witness of reunions and farewells, embodies the bitterness, sweetness and all the other spices of life. This "present continuous tense" of the future also once existed as a "past tense", its lingering sentiments and indescribable emotions turning into creative inspirations. The comings and goings, the passers-by, the relationships, the time and space..., they seem to impart the positive and negative energy of the cosmos as advanced by Laozi. Hence, the author borrows from the aesthetics and philosophy of Dao De Jing to render Taichung Railway's changeover between old and new and the "metaphors" implied in the photographs, which capture through the lens the external forms as well as the internal philosophy being conveyed. Furthermore, antonyms from Dao De Jing are used as the basic composition of the images to articulate opposing yet non-contradictory ideas like solid and empty, being and nothingness. The photography assumes a perspective underpinned by the ideas of "natural, genuine, modest and ineffable" and portrays the philosophy of being between human and railway in a natural manner, through a journey of primordial return shifting from dynamic, static, passing through to distant and then inverse. The Documentary Photography for Taichung Elevated Railway infuses the natural philosophy of Laozi. Rather than esoteric zen-like impressions, the works seek to present the most modest and realistic vignette of the many faces of daily life and the spirit of natural harmony. They aim to give the viewer a feel of Laozi and a philosophy close to Dao De Jing, while presenting the well-rounded beauty between ancient wisdom of the East and modern aesthetics in photography.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
設計學院 > 商業設計系碩士班
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