Agriculture 4.0 which is agriculture must be promoted to intelligent production and digital services model, by sensor technology, intelligent machine devices, Internet of Things, Big Data analysis and other future technologies. And how to use the Internet of Things technology in the farm, to replace the original timing controller to control the environmental conditions and provide a favorable environment for growth, is the emerging issue.
The purpose of this study is to construct the real-time control of the intelligent cloud farm system, using Delphi programming language to develop system platform, combined with Arduino and related Internet of Things sensor component hardware, by using Microsoft SQL server as the back-end database, in order to replace the original use of timing controller or PLC controller and other non-real-time device control, so it can be based by variety of environmental real-time data in the farm to control the environment output unit, in order to maintain or change the environmental conditions.
Moreover, as the government promoting the Agriculture 4.0, one of the focus for the agricultural pilot project is intelligent mushroom environmental control production, so this study using mushroom farm as example, and apply practical application in the Nantou area mushroom farm, and then control the growth of the mushroom. In addition, the mushroom can be controlled by the temperature in order to control the production cycle, and it can also be through the network platform in the cloud to receive orders, and then by the platform analysis for the demand, to control the automation of the mushroom production room, to achieve order-based batch production model.
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