


The Study on Sleep Quality with Ear Candle




耳燭 ; 睡眠品質 ; 生理壓力指數 ; 心率變異 ; Ear candle ; Sleep Quality ; PSI ; HRV












40~60歲的女性,在人生的發展階段是從中年逐步邁向老年的生命轉換過渡期,在這段時期生活容易發生變化,包括身心狀況、職涯變動、家庭關係改變,其中失眠是中年女性的一大困擾。為改善睡眠問題,多數女性都會選擇美容保健做為輔助。耳燭保健是目前美容SPA產業對於改善失眠所推廣的保健療程之一,但缺乏實證研究證實其在睡眠品質改善之成效。 本研究以耳燭保健為介入,透過匹茲堡睡眠品質量表及身心能量分析儀作為評估工具。招募受試者共30位,條件為PSI大於50且匹茲堡睡眠品質量表總分大於5分,隨機分為實驗組及對照組,實驗組之受試者進行耳燭保健並於耳燭保健前後進行身心能量分析儀測量,對照組則無任何介入。由受試者中徵求6位中年女性,每月進行耳燭保健,連續四次,由科學數據分析中年女性長期耳燭保健在睡眠品質之探討。 由研究結果發現,在實驗組單次測量,平均心跳速率與生理壓力指數下降及高頻功率增加,副交感神經活性提升;再以長期耳燭保健連續四個月介入之研究結果發現在副交感神經活性提升、平均心跳速率下降、生理壓力指數下降、睡眠品質PSQI總分下降。耳燭保健連續四個月介入在心率變異功能提升,也提高副交感神經活性,長期耳燭保健在睡眠品質也有明顯改善,研究結果可做為美容研究或美容SPA產業療程設計之參考。


Women between the ages of 40 and 60 experience a transitional period from middle to old age. During this period, their lives undergo physical, mental, career, and family relationship changes. Insomnia is a major issue for middle-aged women. Fortunately, alternative care can serve as an adjuvant to address sleep issues among women. Although ear candling has been promoted by the beauty SPA industry as a solution to insomnia, there is a lack of sufficient empirical research that verifies its effectiveness in improving sleep quality. This study adopted ear candling as an intervention and evaluated its effectiveness through the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and a heart rate variability analysis instrument (SA-3000P). A total of 30 subjects whose physiological strain index (PSI) was larger than 50 and PSQI total score was larger than 5 were recruited and randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group. Subsequently, subjects in the experimental group received ear candling as well as measurements using the heart rate variability analysis instrument both before and after the intervention. By contrast, subjects in the control group received no intervention. Thereafter, six of the 30 subjects were randomly selected, who underwent ear candling for four consecutive months. The study then utilized the scientific data acquired from the instrument to explore the effect of ear candling on the sleep quality of middle-aged women. The results of the study showed that after a single session of ear candling, subjects in the experimental group showed decreasing average heart rates and PSI, increasing high-frequency power, and significantly escalated parasympathetic nerve activity. Alternatively, after four consecutive months of ear candling showed elevating parasympathetic nerve activity, and decreasing average heart rage, and PSI, as well as declining PSQI total scores, which indicated significantly enhanced sleep quality. Therefore, ear candling could effectively improve the sleep quality of middle-aged women and be utilized as an adjuvant care to address sleep issues. The results of the study can provide references for cosmetic research or treatment design in the beauty SPA industry.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
中護健康學院 > 美容系
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