


The Study of A Pattern Language on the Resort Villa: Design Project of Yin Shan House




設計論文 ; villa ; 阿姆坪 ; 模式語言 ; 渡假休閒旅館 ; Design Thesis ; Villa ; A Mu Ping ; A Pattern Language ; Resort Hotel












因何啟程?有時只因心空了,某部分遺失的情感,已無法在生活的空間中填補,看不見的空間,湧現成情感的寄託,於是 離開 啟程 尋覓……。旅,有時只為了停止,停下來感受世界,感受微風輕拂耳畔,感受葉縫灑落的金黃,感受獨我的平靜,享受無所事事的閒情;這是一場因停止而開啟的旅程,一場心靈與空間的對話,一場因旅居而啟程的旅行;靜幽山野的旅宿放空,尋回最初的安穩。 本設計論文以位於桃園阿姆坪─「印山屋」設計案為應用,採美國建築理論家亞歷山大《建築模式語言》的研究觀點及應用為設計準則,透過模式群的篩選、新創、轉換、組構,賦予築體生機,激盪生命與空間的熱度;期望在「印山屋」創造出villa式旅宿空間的獨特性與差異性,探討空間轉換的可能性與多變性,使空間與環境產生共鳴,形塑旅者有別以往的空間經驗。同時建立villa式旅宿空間設計時可參照的模式語言,提供設計者不同面的思維走向與運用。


Why starting the journey? It’s because of feeling empty inside or we could not find some part of lost emotional feelings from the space we live. We are looking for emotional sustenance in somewhere invisible space. As a result, we leave and start the journey . Travelling sometimes is for a pause. A pause to feel the world. Let breeze whisper upon our ears. We sense the golden sun spilling through the rifted leaves. We feel calm and stay alone in peace. We enjoy our leisure time. This is a journey starting from a pause, a conversation between spirit and space, and starting from traveling and living. Live in a quiet and secluded mountain, then we could find the original steadiness. Based on American architectural theorist Christopher Alexander’s research A Pattern Language and his point of view on application, this study has developed a set of design criteria for the design project of Yin Shan House. By selecting, creating, converting and combining of these patterns,this study gives the building space vitality. While designing Yin Shan House, this study tried to investigate the possibility and variability of converting the space and establish a interior design pattern language for villa type of resort. To shape travellers’ environmental experience different from before, this study offers interior designers different design thinking and application as well.

主题分类 設計學院 > 室內設計系碩士班
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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