
以價值理論與滿意度探討Pokémon GO的付費遊玩意圖


To investigate purchase intention for play by PERVAL and Satisfaction – Pokémon GO




Pokémon GO ; 行動定位服務 ; 沉浸體驗 ; 感知價值 ; 滿意度 ; 付費意圖 ; Pokémon GO ; Location-Based Service ; Flow theory ; PERVAL ; Satisfaction ; purchase intention












近年來世界的智慧型手機普及率已經提高,使得人們逐漸將以個人電腦為主的娛樂活動轉移到行動裝置上,並正式超越個人電腦,而在目前的行動遊戲之中,最受矚目的就是Pokémon GO。Pokémon GO靠著Pokémon系列遊戲以往累積的知名度迅速累積玩家,且甫推出便受到極大歡迎,但是目前正持續退燒,在2016年9月時曾經付費的玩家甚至只有25%,因此如何提高付費意圖成為急需探討的問題,故本研究主要採用顧客感知價值(Customer Perceived Value, PERVAL)與滿意度結合之模型以探討Pokémon GO的付費意圖,並以感知回應、感知傳播、感知準確、沉浸體驗、美學、社交自我形象表達、連結性、物有所值與獎賞等作為感知價值與滿意度的前置因素,並且判別在性別、收入、平台、每天玩Pokémon GO的時間與玩行動遊戲經驗對於付費意圖的影響程度。本研究針對Pokémon GO的玩家採用線上問卷式調查,問項採用先前之研究稍加修改,使用SPSS與PLS進行分析,另外採用t檢定分析,並且將付費與非付費玩家分別探討。本研究以662份様本進行檢驗。結果顯示針對非付費玩家而言,感知回應、感知傳播、感知準確與連結性不顯著影響感知價值,沉浸體驗、美學、社交自我形象表達、物有所值與獎賞正面影響感知價值;獎賞正面影響物有所值;感知傳播、感知準確、沉浸體驗、社交自我形象表達、連結性與物有所值不顯著影響滿意度,感知回應、美學、獎賞與感知價值正面影響滿意度;感知價值與滿意度正面影響Pokémon GO的付費意圖;性別、收入、平台、每天玩Pokémon GO的時間與玩行動遊戲經驗不顯著影響Pokémon GO的付費意圖。至於針對付費玩家而言,感知回應、感知傳播、感知準確與獎賞不顯著影響感知價值,沉浸體驗、美學、社交自我形象表達、連結性與物有所值正面影響感知價值;獎賞正面影響物有所值;感知回應、感知傳播、感知準確、沉浸體驗、連結性與物有所值不顯著影響滿意度,美學、社交自我形象表達、獎賞與感知價值正面影響滿意度;感知價值、滿意度與每天玩Pokémon GO的時間正面影響Pokémon GO的付費意圖,性別、收入、平台與玩行動遊戲經驗不顯著影響Pokémon GO的付費意圖,因此本研究目的是為將付費意圖以更精細的方式進行分解,以作為其他學術研究的基石。


The purpose of this paper is to develop a research model based on the satisfaction literature and studies of value theory to identify the antecedents of purchase intention in a mobile game Pokémon GO. The proposed model was empirically evaluated using a web survey of 662 Pokémon GO players: 408 nonpaying players and 254 paying players. Partial Least Squares(PLS) was used to assess the research model. The results reveal that satisfaction to the mobile game has significant influence on a player’s intention to make purchase in Pokémon GO. The antecedents of perceived values (flow experience, aesthetics, social self-image expression, connectedness, good price and reward) have direct influence on the perceived value of players. In addition, perceived responsiveness, aesthetics, social self-image expression, connectedness, reward and perceived value have direct influence on the satisfaction of players. Perceived value and satisfaction were found to have a direct impact on a player’s intention to make Pokémon GO purchase. Specifically, our study revealed differences between paying users and nonpaying users. This study provides a better understanding of how the values influence satisfaction among all players of Pokémon GO, and the purchase intentions of paying and nonpaying players. The purpose of the study is to be the cornerstone of other academic research.

主题分类 資訊與流通學院 > 資訊管理系碩士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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