Dyeing and finishing industry mainly through chemical or physical methods for the processing of textiles, comprehensive, and textile inseparable. And dyeing and finishing industry is not static, after all, 40 years of Taiwan's business environment has many basic changes. The research on knitting dyeing and finishing industry mainly focuses on the industrial and technical aspects, and explores the analysis of different production schedules, business strategies, or industrial value chains. Rarely for the knitting dyeing and finishing industry business model to explore the formation of the impact of Taiwan knitting dyeing and finishing industry business model research gap.
In this study, Osterwalder & Pigneur proposed business model theory, combined with the perspective of changes in business environment, to take a number of comparative study of the case. Selected Confucian hong, the system, the Taiwan group as the functional type of knitting dyeing and finishing industry leading, knitting dyeing and finishing industry of the woven faucet, as well as knitting dyeing and finishing of the three different types of representatives of the enterprise. Through the business model of the facets to explore Taiwan's knitting dyeing and finishing industry in the business environment changes, the old and new business model is how the operation, and what is the difference.
The results of the study for the knitting dyeing and finishing industry business environment changes, the study cited a total of 10 points, and then for these changes, the development of a new business model of the key, and these key is the most important customer's evolution, regardless of Changes in customer's minds, changes in composition, have influenced the business model of knitting dyeing and finishing industry. The business model of Osterwalder & Pigneur (2012) is the most important part of the business model, focusing on the overall solution that creates a value for a particular target demographics. This theoretical view also meets the needs of the dyeing and finishing industry for entrepreneurial spirit and social value.
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