


A Study on Settlement Development and Transformation of Li-Tou-Dian in Taichung City




犁頭店 ; 傳統聚落 ; 空間結構 ; 聚落發展 ; 變遷 ; Li-Tou-Dian ; traditional settlement ; space structure ; settlement development ; transition












聚落是人類共同居住及工作的地方,其生活場域反映出群體之生活方式、公共設施、宗教信仰、住宅分佈及貿易網絡等景觀,而聚落的發展與沒落往往受到外力之政策影響,使得各時代發展歷程產生差異。 目前關於犁頭店之研究多著重於聚落中某一空間構建作為研究對象,抑或是作為台中發展研究中的一個小篇幅作為闡述,尚未有以聚落發展過程為主之論文,透過台灣堡圖及犁頭店相關歷史文獻的彙整,以歷時性的論述方式,從明鄭永曆15年(1661)至民國106年(2017)之間聚落歷程變遷為主,並以田野調查、實地踏訪,套用凱文‧林區(Kevin Lynch)城市意象五種形式初探聚落空間變化,並從空間發展歷程中發現,犁頭店聚落特質與空間結構具有以下特點: 一、 路徑: 犁頭店聚落於明鄭、清領時期透過豐沛的自然資源,倚溪群聚,並坐落於兩貿易集散地之中心,因此發展出「街市」聚落,並以今南屯路二段及萬和路一段為初始街市路徑,並於民國66年(1977)及民國72年(1983)進行第四期及第五期都市計畫,透過這兩次計畫,原聚落道路可連結之範圍更加廣闊,進而與其他區域更為親近。 二、 邊界: 康熙50年(1711)犁頭店興築城門,是人為有意識所築起之邊界,然以聚落形成之際便同時以溪作為邊界所用,並在城門旁安置土地公作為無形的分界,以達保護之作用,然於日治之後,便無城門以及土地公作為辨識,更多的是以景觀上的移步異景,而產生邊界暗示,民國後受道路的發展,邊界不如以往容易指認,而是透過其他要素,加以推斷。 三、 區域: 犁頭店聚落發展係由靠近犁頭店溪一側為始,採純住宿的靜態區域,慢慢透過街市的形成,南屯路二段及萬和路一段之所及店鋪為商業區域,並形成宗教區域及文教空間,日治時期文教空間便獨立自成一個區域,聚落中區域性質漸漸明朗,宗教空間(文昌祠)則於民國61年(1972)進行搬遷,坐落於萬和宮後方,有了目前宗教空間的區域,而商業區域也受道路開發影響,文昌祠後方之區域於民國88年(1999)南屯菜市場啟用,促使聚落有了明顯的擴張感受。 四、 節點: 犁頭店之三角街,尤其出名,是為南屯路二段及萬和路一段交點,可以說是過去一個重要的節點,然今日,說明三角街,便無法與過去貿易之核心之處多做聯想,因街市的功能已不如以往強勁,周邊所興起之商業節點已成長超越,轉移至人潮更多的市場抑或是廟宇空間,反應聚落節點會隨其他因素挪移或增減並影響聚落整體發展。 五、 地標: 作為代表一區域的指標或印象參照點,聚落中之信仰建築更勝於犁頭店街商業形象,主要來自於信仰空間之牌樓、招牌在進入聚落中的暗示,在數個標誌物的暗示下,進而成為聚落中明顯有共同記憶且令人難忘的標的物,並影響著周邊空間結構系統。 透過上述五項元素分析,聚落從1661年至民國106年(2017)的發展與變遷,主要是受「道路」的更新計畫及擴張所致,進而影響聚落發展。因此,犁頭店聚落之發展可分為: (1) 聚落萌芽期(1661-1894) (2) 聚落轉化期(1895-1976) (3) 聚落擴張建設期(1977-2002) (4) 聚落飽和期(2002-2017)


Settlement is where people live and work together. The living area of it reflects the way of group life, public utilities, religion, house distribution, and trading network, etc., while the development and decline of it are often affected by the policies which made differences in the developing courses of times. Most of the present studies on Li-Tou-Dian either focus on the construction of a certain space in the settlement as a research object, or work as a small elaborating part of the research on the development of Taichung. However, there had yet any papers like this one that focuses on the developing process of the settlement mainly between 1661 (the 15th year of Yongli Emperor of Ming Dynasty) and 2017, and find out the characteristics and space structures of Li-Tou-Dian through the archiving of Taiwan Map and Li-Tou-Dian related historical literature, and by the way of diachronic discourses, site visit of field work, as well as exploring the space changes of the settlement by applying the five city images by Kevin Lynch. The characteristics found out are as listed below: 1. Path: Li-Tou-Dian, situated beside the stream, had developed the "market" type settlement during Ming and Qing Dynasty due to the plentiful natural resources, and the location between two trade centers. The original street path is between the present section 2 of Nantun Road and section 1 of Wanhe Road. Benefited from the two urban plannings, namely the fourth in 1977 and the fifth in 1983, the range connected by the original settlement's path had been further broaden and closer to other areas. 2. Boundary: in 1711 (the 50th year of Kangxi in Qing Dynasty), there was a city gate built with awareness for Li-Tou-Dian while there were also boundaries formed by the stream and the statue of the earth god placed beside the city gate as the invisible boundary for the purpose of guardian. However, after the Japanese ruling period, there was no longer the gate and earth god for identifying the boundary but more are the different views along the path suggesting the boundary. After the Republic of China moving to Taiwan, due to the development of roads, the boundary is not as easily as previously identified but can only be inferred by other factors. 3. Areas: the development of Li-Tou-Dian started from the side by Litoudian creek. It was originally a purely residence area that gradually developed the streets and business district between section 2 of Nantun Road and section 1 of Wanhe Road, then formed the religious and cultural areas. During the Japanese ruling period, the cultural space had developed into a dependent area. Different areas in the settlement had gradually become clear. The religious area (Wenchang Temple) was relocated in 1972 to the back side of Wanhe Temple, forming the present religious space. On the other hand, the business district was affected by the development of roads that had Nantun market, the area at the back of Wenchang Temple, opened in 1999 which had obviously expanded the settlement. 4. Nodes: the intersection of section 2 on Nantun Road and section 1 on Wanhe Road is a famous triangle street in Litoudian and an important node in the past. However, when it mentions the triangle street today, it cannot be connected to the trade center in the past because the area, no longer serving as the main market, had been transcended by the emerging business nodes around and the crowd had moved to other new markets or the temples which reflects the nodes of settlement will move or number of nodes shall fluctuate according to the other factors and have impact on the overall development of the settlement. 5. Landmark: compared with the business image of Litoudian, the religious architectures in the settlement serve more as the iconic or imaging reference in the area since the archways, signboards of the religious architectures for directing into the settlement have impacted the space structure all around and become the vivid and unforgettable icons in the shared memory. Through the analysis by the five factors, it is realized that the development and transition of the settlement from the year of 1661 to 2017 are mainly affected by the renew plan and expansion of "roads". Therefore, the development of Li-Tou-Dian settlement can be divided into: (1) The burgeoning of the settlement (1661-1894) (2) The transition of the settlement (1895-1976) (3) The expansion of the settlement (1977-2002) (4) The saturation period (2002-2017)

主题分类 設計學院 > 室內設計系碩士班
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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