


The Empirical Analysis of the Export Structure and Competitiveness of Primary Fruit Industry in Taiwan




競爭力 ; 出口結構 ; 固定市場佔有率 ; 市場集中度 ; Competitiveness ; Export Structure ; Constant Market Share (CMS) ; Concentration Degree












臺灣地處亞熱帶與熱帶地區,氣候適合栽培多種果樹,享有「水果王國」美名。2014年臺灣水果出口值為2.02億美元,較加入WTO後第一年(2003年)成長112.6%,近年來透過行政院農業委員會積極推廣,在農產品外銷市場有十分亮眼的成績,是具有發展潛力的產業。 本研究透過市場集中度(CRN)指標及固定市場佔有率(CMS)模型,分析臺灣主要外銷水果釋迦、芒果、鳳梨、香蕉及番石榴之出口市場結構、集中度及產業競爭力消長情形,找出我國具實質外銷競爭力之市場及未來台灣水果產業的競爭策略。 實證結果顯示臺灣五大水果主要出口國為大陸、日本、南韓、新加坡及加拿大,其市場結構為寡占且集中。比較各進口來源國的市佔率、單價、競爭效果及成長效果發現,臺灣出口到中國大陸的釋迦及鳳梨,及出口到日本的芒果最具有實質競爭力。此外澳大利亞及泰國分別是我國出口芒果到中國大陸及南韓的最大競爭國;相似地,泰國及墨西哥分別是我國出口番石榴到新加坡及加拿大的最大競爭國,至於菲律賓是臺灣出口鳳梨到中國大陸及日本、及出口香蕉到日本的最大競爭國。 由於我國水果產業出口過度依賴中國大陸市場,開拓新的目標市場為當務之急。為進入歐美高所得國家市場,應建置優質的出口供銷體系與檢疫管理制度,以滿足日益嚴格的國際食品安全標準;另外建立我國水果國際品牌,以提升國際市場知名度;最後持續培育優良品種與栽培技術,以提升並維持臺灣水果在國際間不易取代的優勢。


Taiwan, which is located in subtropical and tropical regions, enjoys the "Fruit Kingdom" reputation with cultivation a variety of fruit trees. Taiwan's fruit exports are US$ 202 million in 2014, which increased by 112.6% compared with the first year after joined WTO (2003). In recent years, COA strives for promoting Taiwan Fruits into international market and gets an excellent achievement. Therefore, Fruit industry becomes an important and potential industry. This study was aimed to analyze the export market structure of Taiwanese primary fruits included sugar apple, mango, pineapple, banana and guava, by adopting the Concentration Ratio index and the constant market share (CMS) model to analyze the export market structure, the concentration degree and the changes of competitiveness of these fruit items in order to find out Taiwan export market with real competitiveness and competitive strategies of Taiwan fruit industry in the future. The empirical results show that China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Canada are our 5 major export countries, and those are all oligopoly and concentric. Compared the figure of export market share (EMS), unit price, effect of competitiveness and growth, it finds that the Taiwan Sugar Apple and Pineapple in China, Mango in Japan are the most competitive items. Further, Australia and Thailand are the most competitive export country of Mango in the China and South Korea markets, respectively. Similarly, Thailand and Mexico are the most competitive export country of Guava in Singapore and Canada markets, respectively. Furthermore, Philippines are the most competitive export country of Pineapple in China and Japan markets and also as Banana in Japan market, respectively. Due to the facts that the export of our fruit items is highly dependent on the China market, developing new target markets is the first priority. For entering the high-income markets, such as Europe and North America, it is necessary to build the excellent structure of the export supply marketing system and quarantine management policy in order to satisfy the stringent international food safety standards. On the other hand, it is essential to stablish an international brand of Taiwan fruit for enhancing the global market visibility. By the way, the COA should continually innovate the cultivation of fine varieties and technique skills to maintain and promote Taiwan competitive position in the international market.

主题分类 商學院 > 企業管理系碩士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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