
以Apache Spark框架設計OpenStack雲端系統日誌平行化分析叢集系統之研究


Design of A Parallel Log Analysis System in OpenStack Cloud System with Apache Spark Framework




ELK ; Spark ; OpenStack ; 雲端運算 ; 日誌分析 ; 巨量資料 ; ELK ; Spark ; OpenStackCloud computing ; Log analysis ; Big data












隨著現今雲端技術的蓬勃發展以及物聯網的時代來臨,相關的雲端軟硬體設備不斷升級,生活中的雲端相關應用也漸漸普及,因此雲端系統與服務中如何提供高可靠性的雲端環境將顯得額外的重要,而對於IT人員來說在維運雲端系統平台上也面臨了極大的挑戰,有鑑於此,藉由雲端系統平台下的日誌資料來進行動態的收集與合併來監控雲端系統平台的維運狀況是有其必要性。本論文提出一基於開放原始碼OpenStack作業系統上的集中式日誌管理與分析系統,針對OpenStack系統上分散式的日誌資料進行動態的資料收集、儲存與視覺化統計分析,並搭配了開放式原始碼Apache Spark分散式運算框架進行日誌資料探勘分析,提供高效能資料分析的解決方案。本研究進一步針對Spark分散式運算框架進行探討與評估,包括了Spark串流分析與批次分析分別運行在Mesos模式下的粗細粒度排程和Yarn模式下的粗粒度排程之效能差異,以及基於SparkMlib實作Streaming k-means演算法與迴歸演算法預測模型分析,並且透過不同演算法參數設定、不同叢集節點數量與不同記憶體大小等可能影響模型的效能與模型精準度之相關參數進行實驗,藉此評估出最佳的參數設定與平行化方式。


With the flourishing development of current Cloud technology and the coming of the Internet of Things, equipment of cloud-related software and hardware have continuously upgraded, and cloud-related application in live is also gradually widespread; therefore, how to provide high reliability cloud environment in cloud system and service is very important. However, for IT professionals, they also face great challenges in the maintenance and operation of cloud system platform. In view of this, it is necessary for performing dynamic collection and merger with the log data under cloud system platform to monitor the maintenance and operation condition of cloud system platform. The thesis proposes a centralized log management and analysis system based on open source OpenStack operating system; aims at the distributed log data in OpenStack system to perform dynamic data collection, storage, and analysis of visualized statistics, also cooperates open source Apache Spark distributed computing frame to perform the log data exploration analysis to provide the solution for high performance data analysis. The study further directs at the Spark distributed computing frame to discuss and estimate including the performance difference in size scheduling between the Spark streaming analysis and the batch analysis which operate at the Mesos pattern and at the Yarn pattern respectively. Moreover, carry out the Streaming-KMeans algorithm and the regression algorithm based on the SparkMlib to predict model analysis. Different setting of algorithm parameter, different number of cluster node and different size of memory could affect related parameter for the performance and accuracy of model. Therefore we can estimate optimal parameter setting and parallel method.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
資訊與流通學院 > 資訊工程系碩士班
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