


A Study on the Performance Optimation for Ceph Software Defined Storage System based on OpenStack Cloud System




OpenStack ; Ceph ; 軟體定義儲存 ; 雲端運算 ; 分層快取 ; OpenStack ; Ceph ; Software-defined Storage ; Cache Tiering ; Cloud Computing














In recent years, due to explosive increase in data volume, popularization of cloud computing and the need of internet of things, the processing demand of data storage was in double increase year by year, which led to higher and higher complication in the data centers built by many organizations and enterprises. Due to the limitation of traditional server architecture, the resources were usually difficult to be effectively used, which led to serious effectiveness loss and the lack of data security and reliability. Therefore, to deal with such issue, development based on software-defined basic architecture was proposed one after another, among them, open source OpenStack cloud system caught the greatest attention from the enterprise. However, in OpenStack, the defaulted virtualized storage service was lack of universal storage platform, which led to the lack of managerial characteristic and flexibility in the storage system, meanwhile, indexes such as automatic fault tolerance and ease of expandability were also challenged, therefore, to cope with such issue, open source Ceph is adopted as the storage system of OpenStack. In this study, methods for optimization of the performance of OpenStack cloud system in association with Ceph software-defined distributed storage system were proposed to make storage placement rule design and layered cache storage optimization setup on Ceph storage system. This study has made further investigation and evaluation on Ceph distributed storage system, three optimization methods were proposed in this study to observe the effectiveness differences through different combinations, meanwhile, experiments were conducted on related factors that might possibly affect the storage effectiveness such as different mixed storage placement rule so as to evaluate and analyze optimized parameter setup and optimized method combination. Experimental result showed the proposed storage optimization techniques will make the system to achieve optimized storage effectively.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
資訊與流通學院 > 資訊工程系碩士班
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