


The study of the relationship between quality management practice, quality of service capability and business performance: An empirial study




硬性品質管理實務 ; 軟性品質管理實務 ; 服務品質能力 ; 經營績效 ; Hard quality management practice ; Soft quality management practice ; Quality of service capability ; Business performance












由於市場環境競爭性的提升,品質管理實務及服務品質能力已成為確保其競爭優勢的重要角色;本研究旨在探討透過硬性品質管理實務、軟性品質管理實務,對服務品質能力的影響,進而影響經營績效;本研究以臺灣運動遊憩業為實證對象,利用結構方程模型進行研究假設驗證,以及透過競爭模型細部分析硬性品質管理實務、軟性品質管理實務、服務品質能力與經營績效等構面的相互影響關係。 本研究結果顯示,硬性品質管理實務對服務品質能力具直接影響作用;軟性品質管理實務對服務品質能力具直接影響作用;服務品質能力對經營績效具直接影響作用;然而,硬性品質管理實務、軟性品質管理實務對經營績效並不具直接影響作用;因此,本研究實證結果顯示管理者必須藉由完善的服務品質能力來提升其企業經營績效。


In recent years with the rise of environmental awareness and sustainable development concept gradually attention, hence it is a future trend for enterprise to put hard and soft quality management practices, and quality of service capability. Theaim of this research is to investigate hard and soft quality management practices focus in quality of service capability, furthermore reinforce business performance. This empirical study targets to the sports recreation and leisure industry in Taiwan. The structural equation modeling would testify the hypotheses and the competitive model would rigorously analyze the proactive influence relationship among the dimensions in terms of the hard and soft quality management practices, quality of service capability, and business performance. The result of research indicated that the hard and soft quality management practices is positively related to quality of service capability; quality of service capability is positively related to business performance but the hard and soft quality management practices and business performance isn’t significant directly. The empirical results show that managers have the ability to hard and soft quality management practices by quality of service capability, thus effectively improve market advantage.

主题分类 管理學院 > 企業管理系碩士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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