Recent financial scandals have mostly involved related party transactions, the complexities of which have contributed to investors’ misgivings. An audit committee comprises three or more independently directors with financial expertise who are unaffiliated with the firm under audit. The purpose of an audit committee is to supervise a firm’s management and increase the credibility of the firm’s financial statements. According to signaling theory, a firm establishes an audit committee to reduce information asymmetry and convey truthful information about the firm to investors. In the present study, the Ohlson model was applied to investigate related party transactions among listed companies in Taiwan as well as audit committee influence on firm value. Empirical results indicate that (1) establishment of an audit committee positively affected firm value; (2) related party purchases negatively affected firm value, whereas related party lending transactions positively affected firm value; and (3) both of the interaction of audit committee and related party sales and the interaction of audit committee and related party property transaction significantly were negatively correlated with firm value. Therefore, instituting an audit committee inhibited related party transactions and prevented firm value decline.
1. 中文文獻
邱垂昌、黃秀姿,2006,自願設立獨立董事、關係人交易與公司價值關聯性之研究:代理理論與訊號發射理論之比較,Asian Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences,第1卷第3期(10月):379-403。
許文馨,2014,Can Audit Committee Improve Earnings Quality More than the Supervisors in Taiwan?,臺大管理論叢,第24卷第S1期(9月):203-232。
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