


The Study of Kaohsiung Educase Cloud Storage System acception






科技接受模式 ; 系統品質 ; 電腦自我效能 ; 關鍵多數 ; 教育百寶箱雲端儲存系統 ; Technology Acceptance Model ; System Quality ; Computer Self-efficacy ; Critical Mass ; Educase Cloud Storage System












受到web 2.0應用發展漸趨成熟之利,雲端儲存可以說是當前最被多數人使用的雲端服務之一。雲端儲存可滿足使用者透過網路來進行有效率、低成本之檔案管理與分享,高雄市教育百寶箱雲端儲存系統也是順應當前這股時代潮流下所推出的服務。然而高雄市國小教師是基於何種動機來使用本系統?目前市面上提供雲端儲存服務的廠商亦為數不少,如何在眾多的雲端儲存服務提供者中成功地獲得高雄市國小教師的採用,乃是興起本研究之研究背景與動機。藉由雲端服務、科技接受模式(TAM)、系統品質、電腦自我效能與關鍵多數相關文獻的蒐集、整理與探討,本研究擬定出以Davis(1989)科技接受模式作為理論基礎,系統品質和電腦自我效能作為TAM模式的外部變數,並將關鍵多數併入TAM模式裡來建立研究架構,探討高雄市國小教師對教育百寶箱雲端儲存系統的使用意願。本研究採取問卷發放的方式來進行資料蒐集,研究對象主要針對高雄市公立學校編制內之國小正式教師,以SPSS for Windows做為分析工具進行量化資料的統計分析,接續進行各變數之間信效度及相關性的驗證。正式問卷中有效問卷262份的資料皆顯示題項間具有高信效度及相關性。本研究結果如下: 1.高雄市教育百寶箱雲端儲存系統之系統品質和使用者之電腦自我效能對使用者知覺有用性與知覺易用性有正向影響。 2.高雄市教育百寶箱雲端儲存系統之系統品質對關鍵多數有正向影響。 3.高雄市教育百寶箱雲端儲存系統使用者知覺易用性對使用者知覺有用性有正向影響。 4.高雄市教育百寶箱雲端儲存系統使用者知覺有用性、知覺易用性和關鍵多數對使用態度有正向影響。 5.高雄市教育百寶箱雲端儲存系統使用者知覺有用性、關鍵多數與使用態度對使用意圖有正向影響。 希望藉由本研究資料分析所得之結果,提供教育主管機關在推廣使用高雄市教育百寶箱時的參考依據,以及系統研發設計人員修正系統時的參考方向,更能提供後續研究學者對於教師使用雲端儲存研究的參考指標。


As web 2.0 is developing better and better, Cloud Storage can be regarded as one of the most used Cloud Services to people at present. Cloud Storage can satisfy people with doing information management as file saving and sharing by the Internet in an effective and low-cost way. EduCase Cloud Storage System is a service launched for the trend. What are the motivations for primary teachers in Kaohsiung to choose EduCase? Many companies also offer Cloud Storage Systems on the market currently. How EduCase can be chosen by the primary teachers in Kaohsiung successfully among many Cloud Storage service offers is the background and motivation of this study. In order to investigate these primary teachers’ intention to use EduCase Cloud Storage system, with the related literature review collection, arranging, and in-depth exploration of Cloud Services, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Systemsquality, Computer Self-efficacy, and Critical Mass, this research is intended to use Davis’ technology acceptance model (1989) as a theoretical base, setting system quality and Computer Self-efficacy as the external variables of technology acceptance model, and involve critical mass into TAM to establish study format. This research has adopted questionnaire survey to conduct data collection, and it mainly aims at the formal public primary school teachers in Kaohsiung city as object of study. With SPSS to analyze general information and verify reliability, validity and correlation between variables. There are 262valid questionnaires in formal questionnaires and every item has high reliability, validity and correlation. The research result is as follows: 1.the system quality of the Educase Cloud Storage System and computer self-efficacy has positive influenced on the users’ perceived easy of use and perceived usefulness. 2.system quality has positive influenced on the critical mass. 3.the users’ perceived easy of use has positive influenced on their perceived usefulness. 4.the users’ perceived easy of use, perceived usefulness and critical mass has positive influenced on the users’ attitude. 5.the users’ perceived usefulness, critical mass and attitude has positive influenced on their intentions. It is hoped that the data analysis and results of this study can offer references for education authorities to promote using EduCase Cloud Storage System, and for system developers to design or modify this system. Moreover, based on the data analysis and results, the follow-up researchers can have reference index to investigate the study of teachers’ intention to use Cloud Storage.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 資訊管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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