In the new era, the ever-changing technology and the high standardization of products as well as the customer needs diversification, the product life cycle has been shortened. Also the relationship between supply chain among enterprises has become inseparable. Therefore, once the supply chain has a disruption problem, it must be solved within the first time. Otherwise, the organization of enterprise will be affected. In this study, we will discuss the optimal order quantity Q * and the total cost Tc after a disruption risks. Therefore, the purpose of this case study is to make the supply chain return to the normal when the disruption risks is come, as well as to maximize profits. This study will find out that the best ordering quantity Q * and total cost Tc under the disruption mechanism and explore the relationship between the degree of disruption and Q * and Tc.
Under the assumption that demand D is constant and the chain breaking degree is from 0.01 to 0.09, under the single resource theory and dual resource theory, by using excel to simulate that find out the relationship between the degree of disruption and Q * and Tc is related, the higher degree of disruption, the lower number of Q *.
After simulating under different degrees of broken chain by single resource theory and dual resource theory, figure out that dual resource theory is superior to single resource theory. because when the chain is unfortunate, with sufficient resources, in the supply of goods, with profit as a priority, we can choose the best suppliers Q * and Tc, when there is more than one supplier.
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