


The Influence of the Military Capital on the Emotional Labor Service - The Working Value as the Intermediary




心理資本 ; 情緒勞務 ; 工作價值觀 ; Psychological capital ; emotional service ; work values












由於現今環境的競爭日趨激烈,使心理資本的負荷逐漸增大;而心理資本的調適不良,常導致生理、家庭、社交,甚至是在生活品質上產生不良影響,更甚者則出現生理或心理方面的病症。然而軍隊組織中備受重視的長官、同僚及部屬的階層關係也使得軍隊組織內的個人必須面對與承擔許多的心理資本。本研究的目的在探討國軍心理資本對情緒勞務之影響,以信度、效度分析、因素分析及相關性與迴歸分析、層級迴歸進行統計分析。本研究結果:1. 心理資本對工作價值觀有顯著正向影響。 2. 工作價值觀對情緒勞務有顯著正向影響。3. 心理資本對情緒勞務有顯著正向影響。4. 工作價值觀對心理資本與情緒勞務具有部分中介作用。 此外,本研究除了對所得結果提出解釋外,並對研究結果的應用加以討論,同時提出個人建議如下:一、建立情緒勞務觀念。二、形塑積極的工作價值觀。三、建立良好的休閒習慣。


Due to the increasingly fierce competition in today's environment, so that the psychological capital of the load gradually increased; and poor psychological adjustment of the capital, often lead to physical, family, social, and even in the quality of life have adverse effects, and even those who have physical or psychological Aspects of the disease. However, the importance of the military organization of the Executive, colleagues and subordinate class relations also makes the army within the organization must face and bear a lot of mental capital. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of national mental capital on emotional service, and to analyze the reliability, validity, factor analysis, correlation and regression analysis and hierarchical regression. The results of this study: 1. Psychological capital has a significant positive impact on work values. 2. Working values have a significant positive impact on emotional services. 3. Mental capital has a significant positive impact on emotional services. 4. Working values have some mediating role in mental capital and emotional labor. Moreover, the research not only provided explanations on the conclusions but also explored the applications of the research outcome. Therefore, some suggestions to both naval training facilities mentioned above and the female personnel were made as follows: (1)Establishment of emotional service concept. (2) Establish a positive working value. (3) Establish a good leisure concept.

主题分类 管理學院 > 公共政策與管理學系
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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