Target tracking is one of the very important issues in wireless sensor network research. Its applications include monitoring enemy invasion, wildlife research, tracking a specific person, etc. Previous studies proposed a number of methods for target tracking which focused on saving energy. Some of them applied prediction approaches to wake up idle sensors. Only the sensors which detect the target need to be activated next time. However, in order to save energy, the number of wake-up sensors may be too few. Moreover, prediction approaches inherently have uncertainty, and sometimes cannot meet the requirements of tracking targets and therefore miss the target. Some other methods, in order to ensure the target not lost, may drain the energy of sensors too fast. Therefore, the methods of target tracking usually face a tradeoff between accuracy and energy efficiency.
This paper proposes a target tracking system, this system uses regular hexagons to tessellate the entire sensing area, and each hexagon forms a cluster. Every cluster will elect a cluster head in turn, and each cluster head keep active to sensing target. Cluster head will wake up all sensors in the cluster when target into its cluster first time. Each sensor needs to send its sensing information to the cluster head, and each cluster head use our Hexagon Routing with Repair (HRR) algorithm to route its sensing information to the center of base station. The base station uses the information of the current position and maximum velocity of the target to calculate the next possible location of the target. Our system can usually wake up the suitable sensors of the nearby clusters to keep track of the target, and therefore achieve both requirements of energy efficiency and location accuracy of target tracking.
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